Friday, April 01, 2005

I Love Flowers

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Well this is my April fool’s tribute, and I feel kind of foolish. Why you might ask, because I went and bought a flower for a girl to make her feel better. I seriously hope they did, because flowers have not been a good thing for me in the past, as a matter of a fact. I have had the worst luck with them in them before this and I just don’t want it to happen again.

I’m starting to see that my brother was right, about my money situation though, 100 dollars for two weeks isn’t really that much when you consider the cost of living these days. And the fact my parents won’t let me get a job and stuff sucks. I mean I don’t like borrowing money and I try to pay it back in one way or another but sometimes it gets hard.

I was just starting to think about how things were at the beginning of last semester, how they were near the middle and how they were at the end, and then how this semester has been. Things here change faster than I first thought. There are no sure things here, relationships, friendships any of it.

I witnessed two people who started out being roommates, moved to being best friends and then moved to be enemies run into each other today and they now won’t speak to one another. Its not really a good thing to have to see, the fall of two people who used to hold each other in such a high regard, who used to talk about anything and everything.

That whole thing scares me because I think about the friends I have, and yes sometimes they upset me a little or disappoint me, but they’re still my friends and I would hate to lose them. It’s just not a good place to be in when a really good old friend has become this enemy.

In the way of enemies I’ve seen a lot of people around here turn against each other, and it always comes to a head at some point. There’s always some big power struggle and in the end one of them just kind of has to hang their head in shame because they’ve lost and have to leave.

A few days back I stopped by Amanda and Casey’s place ( I have to call it this because Chanele has moved out) but Amanda and I got to talking and she was giving me the details on what she observed in the disintegrating friendship between Casey and Chanele. She told me that it was both of their faults what had happened and that when one of them did something, the other just tried to best her and make her angrier which never helps anything.

They both kept claiming the other was the reason why things happened but I don’t think that it was really any one person’s fault.

Sometimes you can come to be friends with someone too fast, which is what Amanda said. There’s not really any basis of friendship other than, “Hey, we’re both living in the same place, lets be best friends.” You spend every waking moment together and then suddenly you’re so tired of the other person that you have to be rid of them.

I have to admit, I have fallen victim to this before, its not a good thing to have happen. I have just gotten tired of another person’s company because they really have nothing to say that I am interested in anymore. They seem to be all about the same thing, they seem to be so one dimensional.

That’s what I like about my friends here, I can be silly with Rickey, Mandi, Desiree, Jamie, Eddie, or Brandon and it will be funny, but then I can sit down and have a chat with them about serious things and come away feeling like I’ve just learned more about them, their condition, or life in general. I know people where you talk to them for an hour and you either feel stupider for having paid attention, or you’re just tired of hearing about the same boring shit over and over.

Like the people who constantly have to talk about video games, and I don’t mean making a reference to them, I mean talking about them as if there is a video game news channel and that’s all their allowed to watch.

“Yes I heard that, I don’t really care how many pixels are on the screen of you PSP.”

“Stop calling my cell phone asking me for cheat codes, why the fuck would I memorize those, get the fuck off of here!”

These are things I should never have to say, but I have had to before, that’s right, these are actual quotes. The people I had to say them to should be shot. I like having talks with people and having them go on with out us having to talk about stupid things that just end up in arguments that go no where.

The other night, I think it was Monday night, I called Katherine up and talked to her for a while, it must have been like two hours. Well she and I didn’t have to argue over anything dumb, in fact there was no arguing at all. Why can’t things like that happen more often? Why must I be stuck to deal with lunatics who seem hell bent on starting shit.

Thank God none of that happened today…

Not much happened today, I watched a movie with Mandi, Eddie and Brandon, it was Pulp Fiction and don’t ask me why I’m typing in this odd fashion with all of the disconnected thoughts. I don’t really have much to say about anything, so I guess I better get gone.

Happy April Fool’s

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