Saturday, April 09, 2005

I Am Jack’s Happily Ever After…

While I should be trying to get some writing done, get some sleep, I am up fucking around with this thing again. I didn’t do much of anything today; I definitely didn’t do what I needed to do. And I didn’t get to do much of what I wanted. Things about that whole issue with last night about how Rickey and I should be nice to CJ rubbed me the wrong way.

Nicole called us in to talk about the whole situation and then she turned and told Jamie how it was Rickey and I that sat around and bitched for two and a half hours. I didn’t sit there and bitch, I told you my gripes and I stand by them.

I think that if we’re going to do this whole group meeting thing, lets do it right. Let’s get everyone CJ has wronged and see how they sway the opinion. If this doesn’t get to happen then hopefully I will not have to deal with CJ anymore for the rest of this year or my life for that matter.

And I don’t want to devout a whole post to the asshole so I’ll stop there. I have been thinking a lot lately. Things that are going on just seem a little more distant than they used to, then I think of what I now know, I think of what I know about people and the general things they do.

I want to say that most of the women I have come across in my life have been irrational, when they are rational I don’t know what it is that causes them to be that way. Most of the men I have met are really mean. I think that the only way for a male to become appreciative is for one of those irrational females to make him feel like dirt and walk on him.

As far as females go, they become rational when some dickhead male is really bad to them. They break down, pick up the pieces and become a better person. Now this is not always true, Julie, for instance was born rational, she hasn’t had to go through unusually deep pain but she is a great person.

I’m not taking a shot at the women here; I think that there is something wrong with society that makes people be this way. I think women are the way they are partly because from a young age we fill our daughters’ heads with bullshit. We teach them about Love and they hear all of those Fairy Tales, like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. For the most part, the Prince isn’t going to marry the peasant girl; he’s going to take the big breasted, rich trophy woman. And as for Sleeping Beauty, no one is going to chase down the Narcoleptic woman just because they heard legends about her.

Fairy tales teach young girls that everything will be ‘Happily Ever After’, as much as I will love my wife when I have one, and want her to be nothing but happy, hope that she wakes with a smile every morning, and goes to sleep with that same smile not letting it leave her face for one moment of the day, I know that its not possible.

People have bad days, there are going to be times when she and I will argue. You take that vow ‘…for better or for worse’. I remember the other day in the car Rickey was talking to someone on the phone, it might have been Jamie, Ruth or John and he said “I would rather not get married than get divorced.”

People can’t even imagine that, they think that things should never be thought out. And yes it is okay to be spontaneous, but before you get married you need the check the fine print, because nowhere in there are you promised Happily Ever After, I mean fuck, we’re not promised tomorrow, this could be the last day on Earth for any one of us, it could be the last day that the Earth exists.

You have to try and work with what you have you’ve got to realize that maybe there’s not someone out there for us all, maybe you have to get off your ass and go find someone. Maybe they are out there, but you’re just that unlucky bastard who has the one that (well lets put this in a way all the nerds can understand) missed his/her windows update and is running one version behind.

She or he might need a little push in the right direction or need some help, don’t get discouraged, don’t go out and kill yourself. People think that if they can’t live everyday as a happy one that they shouldn’t have to live at all, that’s not how it works, we can’t all have a good day.

Fuck the ‘Happily Ever After’ where’s the excitement in that, give me ‘_____ Ever After’, the unexpected, the unknown, these are what make life exciting, these are what make life worth living.

1 comment:

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

I've seen some dick moves in my days, but I just can't understand how someone can expect everything to go perect. I know that when I find my perfect girl there might be problems, but I'm willing to work something out rather than just sit on my hands.