Sunday, April 03, 2005

I Am Jack's Untimely Exhaustion

[From now on some of the titles will be using the "I am Jack's..." thing from Fight Club]
I actually had written in my blog earlier or written for it that is. For those of you that don’t know this yet, I write all of my blog entries in word first. Why? Because that’s the safest way to do it. I don’t like the idea of something going wrong with blogger and me losing some info I wrote.

Too bad human error can almost never be cycled out.

Today was really lazy, I got up early like at 8 AM. I just kind of sat around until 10:30, and then Rickey and I went to the UC for food. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the things that are going on around me.

Life for me is dull, I want something exciting to come up, I want that one night out where we don’t come back till 3 AM, I want that unexpected trip to some place. I want drives until you almost run out of gas and just when you do you get a hotel and come back.

I guess I just need to start taking chances and get out there and do stuff. I think I have an idea of what I can do now, where I can go, who I can go with. It’s all right here in my head. But right now I am tired. My mind is sliding away and my eyes are barely open to the world.

I think I can even feel my heart trying to enter a resting state. Today felt like a dream, it felt unreal and like it was something that I would wish to happen, happy enough, but not perfect. Nothing’s perfect except for that first winter cold and the smell after it rains.

Before I get into bed I have to say something, in a sad turn of events, the Pope died today. I feel that this is important to write not just because he is the Pope, but because this is a major historic event and it will make for a lot of understanding in what will be going on in the coming months. It will also make for a good mark of where we are in time.

This is something that we’ll know the exact date of. To tell the truth, there was another famous person that died yesterday and while he didn’t have nearly the effect the Pope had, he made people laugh and made them happy, that has to count for something. Mitch Hedberg died too, he was a very good comedian. I had one of his CDs, not my favorite, but he had what it takes to be way up there. If I remember correctly he was making a movie or television show.

As for both of them, may they find the happiness in death that seems almost impossible to achieve in life. God bless.

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