Monday, April 18, 2005

A Four AM Stream of Consciousness

Sometimes I think that I could be a smoker, I don’t know why, I have smoked before. It calms me down when I’m really one edge, but I’m not a smoker. I think that its kind of a social thing around here. I know it sounds like a peer pressure thing, but at the same time, you see those guys outside standing around in a circle talking and laughing.

That’s why I think that the tobacco industry doesn’t care about not being allowed to advertise on television, I mean they have the best advertising there is, people are doing it. And that’s another thing; why the FUCK does the government think they need to advertise things like state quarters or the new twenty dollar bill.

If it’s a good enough product then people will find it, no one’s out there putting up drug billboards or passing out flyers for hookers. People go out and find those things. Why the hell are you advertising money? Does that make any sense?

I mean is for buying, its not for sale, you don’t even have a choice in whether or not to take it. I mean stores and banks give it to you.

I really think that the stream is broken I shouldn’t try this shit ever again. If you’re really looking for a good read you should check out some of the blogs over to the right on the blog roll, if you’re on IE it might be down below. I have yet to figure out why some IE people have it at the bottom.

I let Kay read Lavender and Cherry Blossom, and I just thought that I should have a link posted up here. I think that for good measure I will put a section over there on the side bar that has all of my favorite posts from this blog. I know that Faulty Souls will definitely be over there, as will some of my other favs.

And now I have made that little side bar I was talking about, check it out, its damn near five, it took me so long to make it. I hope you all enjoy old entries by me, you can expect even less tact, grammar that’s not quite this good, references to games you’ll never play and anime you’ll never see, and my being a sad sappy bitch, enjoy.

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