Monday, April 25, 2005

I Am Jack's Opinon of Gender Roles

Of all the things that could become hot topics in our little invisible blogring here, this is one I never expected to see given this much page space. But it is an interesting thing and I would like to thank Twinks for giving us such a take on it. I have to agree with you on some level, Twinks.

While I have never kissed a male, I know several girls who have either turned bi or just experimented with other girls recently. However, I don't see the whole thing about how two girls making out or having intercourse is something that turns a guy on. I mean its as if to say Yeah I like someone that totally disregards me as functional in a sexual way. Men are confusing people in some ways, most of the time their choices are straight forward, but in some instances, such as this one, it seems like an common fetish.

I don't want to get into how that boggles me too much, this is about gender roles, right? Well I remember a time that must have been about fourth grade, I say that because I was in the gym at school and they hadn't gotten the new padded safety mat shit yet, and there was something I will never forget that happened in class. Twon young girls, I have no recolection of their names, kissed each other on the lips. Understand, back then there was no Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, no Will & Grace.

These two girls did this in full view of teachers, and when they were caught were they told to stop or even punished? No. They weren't even told a thing, as a matter of a fact a boy told on them and was told to go on about his business. It would seem to me that if you are a young female a lesbian relationship is the way to go, you have all of the fun, you get to break rules against display of affection, and the guys will think you kick ass just because.

Women kissing women isn't as taboo as men kissing men for all of the reasons presented by us I think, I have to say that to you Twinks it may seem as though there is some stigma towards men kissing men just because of the fact that most of the Westernized world views gender as it does. I think that part of it does have to do with the way that the bodies of each are viewed to, it still fits into the gender role aspect in some ways.

I also know girls who think its hot when two guys are kissing, just as some women (like Auska) find dorky guys attractive, there are also those who find bi-curious males to be something of a turn-on...Now, why would I never kiss a boy?. Well it simply isn't attractive to me, when I see a male I think of dirty smelly things, I know this isn't always the case, but to me there is something more sexual about a female. And I'm sure you'll find females who view males in a light that matches my view of them. A good example is how you can get that smell of a women when they sweat, I don't mean dirty sweet. I mean that smell when they are clean maybe fresh from the shower. There is a certain smell that they have, its intoxicating, like an ambrosia (not the person) of an aroma. When males sweat I actually want to get away from them just because I fear it might get on me.

To uphold this point, I can say that many of the things I find attractive in a female are things that make males look worse to me, such as red hair, freckles, and a few other traits. I used to tell Katherine how I loved red hair, but I really should have told her that I like redhair on girls. Where as some people have just a general love for things, I don't have the same thing. In the same way, I find two men kssing not to be threatening? How many people get raped by a gay guy? I just find it to be nasty, the fact that they can kiss, something feels wrong about it to me, espcially if they claim not to be gay. I don't have anything against gays, but the concept of kissing is strange to me. You have to understand, I don't kiss often or get kissed often, I find kissing to be a sign of love at times or just something lustful, carnal, raw and sexual at others.

So what I am saying is that I think it is a combination of the beauty of the female body and the general preception that men shouldn't experiment that way that allow females kissing others of their very same sex to be regarded in a more positive light than men kissing men.


Anonymous said...

to be fair, this doesn't really have anything to do with "gender roles" per se. actually i find it to be one narrow view on the subject of girls kissing, one i find rehashed over and over.

moreover, and i'm trying to be non-confrontational about all this, an even narrower view on guys, and male homosexuality.

the girls in your gym class got ignored because it was fourth freaking grade. a boy-girl kiss would've been ignored, too.

and "turned bi" ? i actually have a friend i just linked to this article who was already offended by that.

anyway, i think i started this comment to say that in no way is the opinion you expressed here unanimous.

and to that end, i hereby link you to boys kissing (which i most definitely dig)

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

I'm sorry that I offended you're friend. But when I say people have turned bi I mean just that, they were straight before and they're now bi. I don't have a problem with it, several people I know are bi.

I was going to say the girls in fourth grade would have been in trouble had they been a boy and a girl, see back in school we weren't really allowed to touch each other in any way that could be considered sexual. We couldn't even hug, but two girls kissed.

I don't have anything against bi people, like I said I know several around here. But what I do have to say about them is that I think in some respects they take more shit from society than a gay person does. Gays have become accepted in society in the last five years more than they have ever been.

A bi person gets looked at as someone who is lustful or is just out to have a good time with everyone they can, when in reality they can have realtionships that are just as long and meaningful as any straight or gay relationship.