Wednesday, April 20, 2005

One Date

Today has been interesting to say the least, I don’t think that I’ve had a day like this in a while and it will be a long while before I have another. Things just seemed to happen so fast and it seems like there is more going on in one day than should be allowed to fit in the time we have there.

Something did seem odd to me though, I don’t know what it was. I don’t know what it was about the things happening. Really all that happened today was a lot of idle chit chat and hanging out.

We went out to get some flowers for Auska because she was feeling bad. After that was over we came back here and time seemed to just zip by, I did a lot of writing. But one thing did happen after dinner, I marched up to the door of these girls I had met only one time before and I talked to them. I asked one of them if she would like to meet the Minstrel.

It’s funny, because I find her roommate to be really attractive, and what harm can one date do, so I think I will ask her out when I have the chance. I just can’t believe I had the guts to do that, but I guess I have more in there than I first thought. If I could just use it to tell the girl that really matters what I think.

She even came over here to hang out tonight and I couldn’t even think of what to say to her, I don’t think I want to say a word. What would I say? It doesn’t even matter, if I asked her out, one date can’t do all that much good, can it? Right, no it can’t.

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