Monday, April 26, 2010

Don’t Get Your Hopes Up

I realize why I don’t get my hopes up on things and the like, its become pretty apparent considering that when I do or don’t do it, the result is the same. Things typically don’t go how I would have hoped. I think that hoping would have actually made it worse.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I want to tell you how I really feel about everything, but thinking about it makes me angry and I really don’t want to be angry with you. I’d much rather just stay angry with myself and never let this out.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

On the Ball

I realize, what good is it with me telling you I have faith and to push through when I won’t even try to do the same myself. I need to get on the ball.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Best/Worst of the People

I just heard the most selfish fucking thing I have ever heard come out of a minister's mouth.

He was talking about the economy and saying basically that the reason why he doesn't believe in socialism is because he is "not of this world" and therefore the problems with the economy don't effect him and aren't his problem.

He went on to say, "When they are having their worst of times and its my best of times, why should I help out?"

How can anyone talk like that?

Wikileaks Video

Well its been all over the news and the web, the military has been accused of shooting some people who appear to have been journalists in Iraq in 2007. People have been pretty quick to call fault on the military, but most of them don’t really know jack shit about war, so let’s begin there.

I talked to several service people on a forum, one them who owns an RPG launcher himself, (Israeli) and they all said they couldn’t tell that it was a camera. I showed some military people I know personally, they couldn’t tell either. I couldn’t tell, though I am not that well versed in every type of rocket propelled grenade launcher. The tripod, which people also claim to see isn’t any  kind of sign that a camera is in use, snipers use tripods too.

People forget, that a bow and arrow can shoot a helicopter down…an RPG can utterly destroy it in mid air. And everyone is so quick to blame the soldiers, but you’d have done the same thing.

Let’s be honest, you're out there and not just in charge of soldiers. You're in charge of someone's son, and someone's father, and someone's husband and someone's friend, perhaps your own. The saddest part is that if that helicopter had been shot down by and RPG launcher, no one would post that story, no one would give a flying fuck and some might openly mock the military for the losses.

Then an unmarked van pulls up, of course they shoot that too. The van could have had a rocket launcher or worse inside of it. Even if it picked the people up, it doesn’t make the van not connected.

The kid in the back of the van, I can say with with a great deal of certainty that the helicopter didn’t shoot him…do you know why?

Because the bullet that goes in a 20mm machine gun would more than likely rip the kid in two and he wouldn’t have survived for them to evacuate him. So either he was injured earlier or it was shrapnel. Why do people think that medics wear those red crosses? For the symbolic nature of a red cross? No its because it keeps you from getting shot while doing your job. The same goes for ambulances, medivac choppers and the like.

So what we have here is an honest mistake blown out of proportion by a website whom had to have gotten this video through some illegal means and has been accused as such by other governments. We have a video where there appears to be someone with a gun, at least once and some news people standing near them. People, you can’t stand in a warzone and hold a gun without someone trying to shoot you and you can’t expect the military to have a helicopter wait around by a potential rocket launcher for someone on the ground to jog over and confirm.

Be realistic people.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

The Kind of Case That Makes You Worry About Our Culture…,0,3357813.story

Long story short: A fifteen year old girl went to a party, her seven year old sister, worried, followed her. At the party, the older girl was having sex with someone and it somehow led to her taking cash in exchange for letting the men gang rape her sister…

I don’t think I can say anything good about any of the people involved in this. The reports say seven people joined in on the rape—let’s excuse the fact that gang rape makes little to no sense to me in the first place—how do you wander up and see someone raping a seven year old and take any action other than leaving or trying to intervene.

There are some crimes where you are excused or even expected to join in. Looting, riots, fleeing an area when cops come in a little too enthusiastically…

Rape is something that should disgust and bother anyone so much that they should be going to call 911 right off the bat. Let’s take another case: A fifteen year Irish girl who lived in Massachusetts was sexually harassed, assaulted and stalked to the point of committing suicide. 

Many school officials saw some of the behavior going on, while they didn’t join in, no one stopped it. I remember the whole “Don’t Snitch” thing that went around for a long time in hip hop culture and how people were so quick to make fun of it. But the culture of the land seems to be at best based on “It’s not my problem” and in some cases we just join in. The issue shows up time and time again, people being mistreated in public and no one saying anything about it. No one even caring.

I understand there are times you don’t butt in and its not your place. But it should be obvious when someone is being physically hurt for no reason or no good one, that’s not one of them.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Issues in the Dark

The other night when I drove home it was around eight at night. In the winter it would have been pitch black by then, but it’s just getting really dark at that time. Even then, I noticed I could hardly see. It seemed so hard to drive and just see the road and I mentioned it to my dad.

He blamed the lack of the moon.

Then last night it happened again, under the biggest moon I’ve ever seen in the sky. Now I am getting scared I might have night blindness, I’m hoping its something else or just my imagination. But we shall see tonight.