Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Wasting Time

I'm having to type this to post later, because what I planned on doing I can't do! Apparently the library here at the school has some kind of bullshit network protection that you need this ID that I hardly ever use to get into. If it were the middle of the day I would just walk to a corner and call the help desk, but it's 11:26 PM CST on a Tuesday night. I think I'm past being able to call them...

I left my place to come down here with a friend and its been really nice so far, with the exception of the fact I'm barred off from the internet and most of the rest of the world for the time being. Right now I'm in that state of seraching for the answers to all of these questions and having ALOT of work to do. Why don't I just buckle down and do it you may ask? Well because right now there's too much going on for me to even think correctly. I'm kind of in that place where I just want to be somewhat happy. We all have that happen to us something.

Today Spike told me something very interesting, apparently the Klu Klux Klan has a weekly news program...I find this humorous, what's even funnier is that they have it in Real Video format. I was really interested in finding out more about it so we did some searches. Apparently there's this guy named Don Black who apparenly thinks that he should promote a division of the nation into races.

Funny part is the guy looks like a racist, if that makes any sense at all. Have any of you ever seen Jerry Spinger when they have the panel of racists and they all kind of look the same? Well its that's same kind of thing here. He looks like one of those guys. I just find it funny that guys like this still exist--I mean that we should be trying to mix the races as much as we can, I mean all of the mixed race girls are the best looking. And then you have to think about this war we're in, how does it look if we're bitching over something as trivial as skin just seems so 400 years ago.

You can find this guys site at this place...Don Black. Oh well though, I'm tired of typing this...

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