Monday, April 04, 2005

I Am Jack's Sense of Realization....

It’s I feel like I’ve come to realization about myself, I’ve been lying to myself a long time. It’s been a good, week, but a lot of things about it have just seemed wrong. Like when I think back this is the same week that I saw Sin City, yet it feels like so long ago. And I even miss Jamie, but I just saw her Tuesday.

Something about everything that is going on just seems kind of off. I have a lot of work to do, and I have a class in one hour. I am going. I think I might get a bite to eat before hand.

All I have to say about what’s happened between now in my last entry wasn’t all that interesting unless you factor in the same strange dream I had. What really gets me about the dream is that it went longer this time and that I know someone who’s had it before, or one like it.

I had a friend in Scouts named Russell Tassin, he joined the army, I don’t know where he is right now. But he had a reoccurring dream where he was in the Pentagon as a guard and there was this big fire fight going on. All he could hear were gunshots and something else.

Then he just knew he had to run from whatever it was, he started running back up one hall, and there were two other guys running with him suddenly. After a while of running the other two guys got shot down, and he was the only one. He jumped a pile of debris and held his gun up against him.

He had just enough time to peak over the wall now to see where the shots were coming from but he said when he did it didn’t look human. I’ve told other people about this before, I know I told Kerrie right after I got back from camp, but Kerrie and I haven’t talked for almost a year and a half now. I don’t even want to go into that.

You can be sure that my priorities have changed a lot since then, like where I would go in case this happened, who I would check on, who I would call first. It seemed to be right in my dream, I don’t feel like I owe anything more to anyone around here than I do to Rickey, Jamie and Desiree.

In closing of this post I have to say that what scared me most about Russell’s dream wasn’t the fact that he had it over and over since he was like five. But it was the fact that someone else at the camp had the same experience except they were in a jungle in their dream, the described things just the same.

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