Friday, April 22, 2005

I Am Jack's Fabled Return...

Back by popular demand, the title will stick once more. I figure that if someone relized it was gone and asked about it then I might as well bring it back. I mean I like doing what my readers want, I like people to read this thing, which is why I’m not on Live Journal with that ‘Friend’s Only’ Shit. This is the open book for the world to see.

Well what you might ask is what happened today, well I cooked some more spaghetti, I even saved some for Marisa and took it over to her. I think that she might be starting to notice that something is up with me, I mean I asked her what kind of stuff she was interested in the other day and now I’m bringing her food and washing her dishes. I just want to take good care of her, she’s such a sweet person, and she did feed me earlier.

I realize now that I like to cook, Spike and Target helped, but I mean I really like to cook. I like to make people say things like wow, did you do this? Because I think it shocks them when I can cook.

I guess I come off as uncultured or something, who knows. But I have natural ability for looking at things in the store and saying that they would be good together. I had help from Spike but for the most part this was me. I don’t mind cooking and even better I cleaned up when I was done.

Now for an update on the situation with Ambrosia, I was online today when she sent me and email and I went and replied pretty soon after. I would post the whole thing here, but I think it’s more of a private issue. I’m not really sure how private a person Ambrosia is, she doesn’t seem like the type but, you never know.

People are hard to read and they may surprise you, no matter how off a person seems, no one is one dimensional, there are always multiple parts to the whole. I learned that sometime back, there’s something behind everyone. There’s some motivating action there, whether it be Janus throwing and breaking my lighter that time because she’s out of her fucking mind, or a soldier killing because he fears something. People do things for a reason.

Oh, by the way, I finished Full Metal Alchemist today, it was really good, I won’t really give any details, I only do that with Evangelion because of the fact that it’s a ten year old Anime, this is hardly out yet.

Well I better get out of here, you can all thank Twinklestar for bringing back the ‘I Am Jack’s” titling system. So thanks Twinks!

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