Sunday, April 17, 2005

Yes, We Can Be Bad Too

People who know me in real life know that I have a pretty morbid sense of humor to say the least. I really don’t have to try, I am blunt, its not that big of a problem since like any weapon or tool, I have learned to wield it. Today we were discussing Cait Sith and how he drags jokes out until they are just past dead and I said “He has a way of dragging a joke until its all its all fucked like James Byrd Junior.”

One of Kramer’s friends looks over all confused like, “Who is that?” And Spike explained that James Byrd Jr. is a man that they drug behind a truck until he died and fell apart. Well he was drug 30 miles.

When Kramer’s friend, we’ll call him Su Yung, he piped up then and said, “Over achievers, I don’t got that kind of gas to waste. I would have gonelike 25 miles and stopped." We also made fun of Kramer talking about how he was attracted to under-aged girls, I mean like Junior High girls. Then Su Yung comes in and says that Kramer should start a train to get girls ready for high school. If you don’t know what a train is, you don’t need to. But Vu called Conductor, and told me that because I didn’t want to join in I had to be the Caboose.

I also said something about us leaving Kramer in Pleasanton, if you don’t know about it, that’s one of the most racist little towns nearby and Kramer is black. I said this right in front of him as a joke. See Spike’s girlfriend’s, Julia, parent’s because they don’t like Julia dating a black guy (like Spike). They don’t know she is still seeing him and I was saying as a test we could leave Kramer in her town posing as her boyfriend, and I said we would come back in the morning to find a du-rag on a burning cross. That’s some of the most wrong shit I’ve said in the last few days.

I am so strange in that I will say shit that I would never in real life even consider doing, I’m about as bad as Doug Stanhope, I will call you a dumbass for not knowing shit I just found out two hours earlier. I will make fun of values that I hold dear, maybe there’s something wrong with me. I’ll make racist jokes against my own race, I will be openly blunt with someone just to see if I can get them to understand things that they don’t want to. It’s just another side of me.

Well in other news, I got an email from Ambrosia’s e-mail today. I really think I should have tried harder to be with her, if what I talked about up there is my bad side she extenuates a good side of me; a good, Christian, God fearing love of all men. She made me laugh and smile the same way Marisa does now.

The e-mail touched me, I can’t wait until she is back here next semester. I have to say that there are some other things going on around here, I have been noticing more and more that all of the girls here love the Minstrel, but he seems frightened to talk to ANY OF THEM, I don’t know why. I don’t even try to get it. A guy like him could rake in the girls! Oh well I better end this before it gets out of control. Kay, I don’t see how you think I’m that great…maybe I just don’t get it.

1 comment:

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

I will jump into an argument when I strongly disagree sometimes, but I can also tell when I don't need to jump in and stay out.