Friday, April 15, 2005

We Rate On A Sliding Scale

Well yesterday the beautiful K graced us with her presence. I was shocked when I read up on her profile. She said some of the same things that Rei used to talk about, some of the same things I found so attractive about her. She has on there that she wants to be a mother. She speaks in the way that everyone with a blog should.

She speaks from her heart; she describes the inner workings of her heart with such great detail. And she has a very original template for her blog. (Sorry, but for some reason over the last few weeks I’ve become a template whore) I talked to her for a while she was a really sweet girl. And from reading her blog I already think that she is beyond her years.

Today was slow, nothing really happened except for the watching of Cowboy Bebop. There was an interesting little talk in the car today, about this base ten scale for deciding where a girl stands as far as how beautiful she is. A character who we’ll just call Spike asked me where Ambrosia stood on a scale of one to ten, at first I said ten.

Then I decided she was like a nine, but she is still way up there. I know this might sound kind of animalistic to rate girls like this, but at the same time, I take personality into account when I look at girls.

Oh, the Minstrel let me hear some British Rap that he had lying around, I actually kind of enjoyed the stuff. All I heard was Dizzy Rascal and The Streets, I think both of them are interesting for the sole fact that they are British. I love British accents, they're so sexy on women.

I better get gone, I’m out. K's blog is in the title, just click it.