Saturday, April 16, 2005

What I Realized And Happily Ever After

Right now I’m watching Chasing Amy with Marisa, she told me that she had never seen any of the Jay and Silent Bob movies, not even Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back; I told her we have to watch them. I never realized how much fun it was to hang out with Marisa. She’s been over here since like 11:00 PM with me listening to music, hanging out, just talking and stuff.

I’m going to miss having her around next year to talk to and hang out with, she’ll be gone and she’s turned out to be one of my best friends. I went from hanging out with Spike today, to hanging out with her. Surprisingly I haven’t seen Auska or Rei today, and while I did see Shinji he was acting like it was old times again, like he acted late last semester and in the very early part of this semester.

It got a little wild over here earlier tonight, Kramer had two girls come in from Katy, both of them are kind of cute. But I guess I can’t say I’m interested in either of them, I mean our new roommate had some of his friends come over and they had alcohol. I was so glad that Marisa and I were in my room.

Funny thing, she looked at me and just asked, “What would you be doing if I wasn’t here?”

I simply replied, “I’d probably writing my story and going to bed afterwards.”

I think that she doesn’t understand yet that I’m not the party kind, I will go to a certain type of party, but as far as wild drinking and the like, I don’t go for that. I’d have to say I get this funny feeling when I’m here, I mean I’m right here with her, she’s about two feet from the screen watching the movie and I have to say it makes me increasingly nervous. I don’t even think she realizes that I like her, that I still like her.

I’m tired of having to hear from Auska, Spike and other people who I should be trying to date. I know the Minstrel wants to ask her out, but now I want to, again. I really didn’t ask her out the first time. I mean I told her I liked her, but never asked her out. I don’t think I realized the difference until I got here, to this college.

On another note I had a talk with K about Happily Ever After, about the post I did and my view on it. She explained something I didn’t understand, her quote was Happily ever after is what you make of it. Its how you deal with adversity and how you pick yourself back up. Happily ever after is being 80 years old, still with the first person you married, looking at your grandkids, and saying, I’m ready now. That’s happily ever after, living life.

I’d have to say that she is probably right on this one and that she is most likely to most wise young woman I’ve met in a while, and I mean young woman because she doesn’t think like a child. In her mind, I think she is more mature than me. She thinks so poetically, her blog is definitely going on the blogroll, check it out.


K. said...

you are too sweet.

::muah:: your the best!

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

You're really sweet and you deserve every bit of it. You make things that no one else seemed to understand make sense. Keep that up, problem solving is a good skill in life.