Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A Class On Love

Someone should teach a class on love, a real class about what it is to love someone. They should include everything it means to really care about someone and to look out for them as if they were part of you. It should show how you can even care about someone more than you do yourself.

Someone should teach a class on love, they should talk about how love isn’t all happy and cute, it can be painful. Sometimes people don’t love you back, or even worse, they do and they act in an unloving manner. Few things hurt in the way that things involving love do.

Someone should teach a class on love, someone should show people that when you love someone you couldn’t dream of physically hurting them or emotionally hurting them. And when they feel emotionally hurt because of something you’ve done to them, it makes you feel physical pain. When you think just for a second you might have caused a bad feeling, no matter if it was indirect or not, you wench and get queasy from it.

Someone should teach a class on love, they should tell that love is not an obligation to anyone. If you love someone, you can love them and not be in a relationship with them. You can just be friends with them and if they love you back or even care for you, they can understand you and respect that. Just because someone comes and says they love you doesn’t mean you have to go out with them or something. They could really generally love you and care for you’re welling being and all they want to do is see you happy.

Someone should teach a class on love and how when you love someone, all you want is their happiness.

Well this entry goes with a lot of things, most of which I won’t go into, but they involve a friend of mine and something she feels an obligation that’s not. They also point out how I generally feel about love. I wrote this, its not some little internet chain letter, fuck no. I sat down and did this to show anyone who sees this that love is something that should be very important to us, something not to be taken lightly.

Did anyone ever see the last episode of Angel where this little exchange took place:

(Building rumbles.)
Conner: Uh, that's not good, is it?
Angel: Wolfram & Hart. Looks like they're taking the gloves off.
Conner: What do we do?
Angel: You go home.
Conner: Huh?
Angel: This is my fight.
Conner: That's some serious macho--Aah!
(Building begins to collapse)
Angel: Go
Conner: They'll destroy you.
Angel: As long as you're okay, they can't. Go.

Did anyone else catch that last part, “As long as you’re okay, they can’t…” that’s real love. This right here was the only television example I could think of, so its from a show I watched like a jillion times, sue me.

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