Sunday, March 13, 2005

The best things come in small packages, wait...that's not right, the best things come in small groups--oh who gives a rats ass about the title.

Today started out shitty and stupid, I laid around and watched television, bored out of my mind, which hardly ever happens here. I felt sick, unable to write and then something else, I felt like I wanted to just go hang out with someone, anyone that wouldn’t make me annoyed.

But my fear of over exposure to people made me hesitate to call them, so I sat here in this place gestating and waiting until I wanted to really get up and do something. My wits returned to me slowly and I came to the realization that I was hungry.

I called Rickey to see what he was doing, that’s when I found out Ruth was there, and I didn’t want to bother him, he needed time to sit with her with out Brenton, Nicole, CJ or I in the way. Then I called Desiree, she was already going out with her friend. So I called Eddie, and he was up for it. We went to Jims, for the second day in a row and we sat and had breakfast at 5:00 PM. The biggest surprise we got while we were there was the waitress, she was pretty. I mean really pretty. Probably the best looking girl I had seen at Jim’s (working there of course). After the meal we went and hung out at his place, did our own thing, I basically wrote, he played some songs he wanted me to hear, I wrote some more and talked. I write a lot (can you tell?)

We called Rickey to tell him that we should watch Wrath of Khan before it had to be returned, so he told us he would meet up with us when Ruth left. He did just that at about 9:50, shortly after that Desiree just stopped by.

We ordered a pizza and then sat down and hung out for a while, there was even some playing of the old school videogames. I was shocked that Desiree almost showed me and Rickey up. Guess its been too long since anything as small as a SNES controller graced these hands.

We eventually got to watching the movie, it was funny and pretty interesting too, so we had fun. All of them are sleep by now, but I’m glad that we got to try this out. I see how much smoother things go with out those who have a tendency to complicate shit. Why can’t every day involve these same people? Life would be good.

Now…I’m going to watch Without a Paddle!

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