Monday, March 14, 2005

Everything's Longer on Dial Up

I just got home, and in true nerd fashion before I did anything else I had to get the computer back together. I don’t really think its all about being nerdy, part of it is just the fact that I have a lot of writing to do and a Hard Drive to fix for my dad. Not that its going to take any significant effort to do that.

I have to use the dial up here, so this is going to take me a while...

Being back here just feels kind of forced to tell the truth, I feel like I shouldn’t be here, like some kind of outsider. I fit in so much better in San Antonio—people there seem to just work better with me. Not sure why that is, it just is.

Yesterday was sure a lot more boring than the one before that. Just about nothing happen, nothing stands out as special really. I said bye to some of my friends and left the dorm. It was kind of somber around the place, hardly anyone was there. I slept soundly for the first time in weeks because no one’s loud music woke me up and it felt almost wrong.

But I know that time away will do us all god, besides I have to see a few people here, like Julie, Tiff and Aubrey, I don’t get to see them very often and while their still in school, I just need to at least stop by their places and say hey.

Of course I’ll stop off at PJs for a bit, that’s just a given. Well I have to finish what I’m supposed to be doing, I’ll try to make my way here like once a day.

1 comment:

RoseMarie said...

I wanted to Jew your bandwidth....
:) I like your entries. Less egocentric than mine, that's for sure.