Sunday, March 27, 2005

What Has To Be Done...

I want to say that I need to just get up and ask girls out from now on, I have this tendency to worry too much over nothing. I turn things into a bigger ordeal than they are. I mean a few dates never hurt anyone right? I can’t go through life just drifting about hoping that the girls I like with just come to me.

I’m hearing more and more often that I must have something for women’s breasts and although I think its not true, most of the girls I’ve been interested in since getting her have been well endowed. I think it might be a coincidence, I really don’t think there’s anything to it all. I really think there’s not much physically better on a girl than her legs.

I need to come back here on whatever day its going to be and just talk to this girl, tell her that I would like to take her out on a date. One of the first things that she talked to me about was that no nice guys ever ask her out. Well I need to bring that up, make my case and all. I think that there must be something wrong with me, I just want to try and date someone, even if it doesn’t work out as planned or whatever. I realize that some of the best things in life are unplanned.

Today when Jamie called I wanted to talk to her about the whole deal, but I don’t want her to have to worry about me or help me out all of the time. I sometimes feel like I ask so much of her and don’t do enough for her. Jamie is seriously one of the best people I have ever met. Its hard to find someone that’s nicer than her, someone that is just so caring and takes care of others so well.

I don’t think I’ve seen her as happy as I did the other day, it made me feel good to see her like she was. She was really smiling, really laughing; just happy to be around her friends again. I really think that’s all that mattered, when I saw her doing that stuff the other day I realized that she would be alright. Jamie will be okay.

Hmm, its not like I have a lot of time to do this, I have to get home tomorrow morning and I have to finish cleaning up in here. This place was left in a mess and I don’t like taking care of it. But I need to clean up. I’m putting down that carpet powder and stuff so that it smells all nice in here and is clean.

I know that I was the one who back home kept things too dirty and all, but I usually didn’t keep it to the point that there were horrible smells coming out. I just can’t have things like this, people come over and complain about it and I wouldn’t want them to have to deal with the smell whenever they come over.

So next week when I come back this place will completely clean and there will be no more of these washable plates, we’re going to do away with that completely. I can’t take the smell of food here and the things I eat here are almost always fast food items that go in the trash right away. Right now my room is in a bit of disarray, but I am going to fix that and possible put some things in new places because I need the room in here. I think I might take some pictures after its all said and done.

I am liking the new digital camera, I’ve been taking pictures of everything. Well I better either go write in another one of these things or go back to cleaning, the smell of the carpet powder is making me dizzy.

Noteable Quote: This happened while Brenton and CJ were playing Champions of Norrath.
CJ: Hell yeah, my strenght is almost at 400! I'll be strong as fuck!
Brenton: Yeah and you're dumb as hell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm proud of you dude. (clapping) Never forget that I'm your friend too, not just that crazy ass roomate,lol. Oh, and don't sweat the small stuff, it's alright to go after what you want. (shrug) Everybody is meant to have some happiness. Remember, this place was originally supposed to be our paradise, not our prison.