Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Watch Me Abuse My Photobucket Account!

The city was so beautiful today, to bad I was stuck in a shitty building looking out at it most of the time. And tomorrow I get to do it again, hooray.

Don’t worry about me, at least I got these bad ass pictures of the city.

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Yeah Houston is a great looking city. After I got away from my appointment I went and took a nap and got a Cinnabon!!!

I sat around for a few hours and just rested some, I needed to work the sickness off. After that I headed back to Jeff’s house, right when I got here Laura was online. SO I proceeded to do what I had wanted to all day, I asked her out, it went like this:

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Not bad really, I hope she’ll want to hang out sometime soon.

I also talked to Katherine on the phone for a few good hours, that was a lot of fun. It’s nice to be cool with older people on the campus, right now that means her and Brenton. I actually showed her this thing today. She seemed to like it. Its not very often I go show casing this blog, but when I do they seem to like it. I apparently have a rather large audience. I hope none of them saw the post yesterday.

I have yet to actually hang out with Katherine, we just can’t seem to make it work because of the whole thing about college life kind of being busy at times. I’m sure it’ll happen soon.

Well I better go, I leave you with funny things from Emily.

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Notable Quote: from Emily

"Who were the beta-testers for Preparations A through G?"

1 comment:

RoseMarie said...

I like the pictures a lot :)
Emily is silly.