Friday, July 22, 2005


I guess this would be my real entry for the day, the other one was just fluff. I learned a lot tonight and I guess that's something really good. I seem to have a lot of flaws that I need to work on. One of them I've noticed before and just don't know what to do about it.

Earlier today I told a friend I was ready to just give up on meeting new people because none of them seemed to want to make new friends or get to know anyone new. I even went as far as to say that everyone just was too busy to have a new friend in their life. It was then I realized something, I realized why its so hard to make new friends. When you're in school you all have something in common. You all go to the same place everyday and do the same stuff. You even get grouped together with like people part of the time.

Things get hard when you split off and have to deal with people not like yourself who have had different life experinces and go through different things from day to day. Now I see that many of the problems I have stem from lack of independace. I can't even write when I don't have people around to watch and observe. I depend on my friends too much. So I need to get off of that. I need to find outlets that don't include my friends all of the time and do something for myself.

Now that I'm left to fend for myself, I keep looking to my old sources of comfort and they aren't near by. I keep waiting for a friend to come along and make me feel better and its not going to happen. It doesn't do me any good if it does happen because I need to learn how to do things for myself.

I even seem to have a problem standing up for myself, but I think that really applies to mostly girls. Guys can't get away with too much from me because when your a guy I generally start off not liking you. When I'm out in public and I've gotten too down on myself, I ignore the people who seem to want to be friends and stuff.

There was this girl at the bookstore the other day, I think that she really might have wanted to talk to me. For what I don't know but it was something. She did mention that she goes to school here and that's something I guess we have in common and can talk about. So I'm going to go out tomorrow and try to meet someone that I can talk to and hang out with. I can't stay around here bored all of the time and I need new friends for this upcoming school year.

EDIT: Look I didn't even use any other HTML except for the paragraph things.


Miss Me said...

Sweety, You need to get responsible for your own life. If your life is boring than you need to make sure you are going to do something about it. Don't depend on other people to make your life great (again). They got their own lives to worry about. And by the way getting a job helps, a lot.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Well, a little update, I'm doing a little better. So I guess there is some truth to what everyone says.