Sunday, July 10, 2005

A Finished Work

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Well here is the exact same picture that was below, but smaller and finsihed, I don't think I'm going to clean this up anymore. This is a dry run just seeing what the prgoram can do without someone inking lines in. It looks very promising.

I also redid this picture of Marisa that I posted a while back. I know now that Photoshop get's its ass kicked three ways from Tuesday by this program. It's so hardcore that if it were a Linkin Park song the angst meter would be pushed to full. Here it is:

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The next thing is one of the comics I plan on coloring, some of you may have seen it before, it comes from back when I was doing stuff with 8.106, this was the first appearence of Allison in the comic too. She's pictured to the far right in the drawing posted at the very top.

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I haven't decided what to call the comic, I might even pick The Regulars back up. But for right now the working title is Write to Game. Well tell me if you like what you see.


Anonymous said...

Those are awesome Justin! It's really cool that your making a comic thing. Keep it up, your good.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Thanks jamie, I will try to make some more soon. I just need to work out some issues with character design.