Thursday, July 14, 2005

Moral Issues

It's been a while since there has been a topic that was worth us talking about between blogs and I only wish that Twinks had been here to go on this with us. But Autumn put up some stuff about different moral issues. I was glad to have something to talk about again!

I'm going to go category by category.

Abortion Because this is a free country and people should have freedom I think that there should not be a law telling people what they can and can't do in this case. But I do,in my own person opinion, not like abortion. I think that its a horrible way to do something that could be done in other ways. You could just give the kid up for adoption. If you didn't want a kid then you should have never been having sex. And the only exception to this rule is rape, in that case its up to the woman.

Although in cases of rape sometimes a woman's body can actually protect her from getting pregnany with a spermacide, but its not sure fire in anyway.

Death PenaltyNow I know people think that it sounds hypocritcal to agree with this and not with Abortion. But I just believe in giving someone a chance to do some wrong before you off them. If I had my way I would want every rapist, child molester and most of the murders killed. I think that its a waste of time to keep them around to rot away in prison. If you don't kill them start some type of program where they become the army and have them do some good. But letting them sit in a cell all day is retarded!

Premarital Sex I don't see much problem with it, so long as it doesn't take over your life or cause you to get pregnant, which would just create some new issues for the people involved. I mean some people are really good at never having human contact. Like I know some people who have never kissed until they got to the altar. That's all magical and stuff, but for most of us, for the rest of us we're going to do stuff. It's all forgivable.

Alternative Lifestyles I don't hate gays, there's not a reason to. They are people just like us. Even in the Bible, I think Jesus said hate the sin, never the sinner. That goes for stuff across the board. Never hate the person, just the action. And I know that's hard to do. I hate child molesters. But that's something bad. Homosexuality is up for grabs whether its bad or good. I have gay friends. I don't judge them or doubt their love for the same sex as being a real valid thing. Let the get married, they have a right to be as miserable as 60% of the married people out there. And if they happen to have one of the four in ten marriages that work out, more power to them.

Religous Freedom I believe in freedom of choice of religions, but that doesn't mean you believe in those other religions. People need to realize there's a big difference.

Pornography I said a long while back that I don't look at porn and its just not for me. But I don't think that I have the right to boss everyone else aroud, its personal opinion. However, I do have to say that people's view of sex is warped. There is some sick stuff going on. This guy I talk to sometimes told me about this site, where they have all these videos of women blowing guys and the guys will try to make her gag until she throws up. Of course only the ones with vomit in them make the cut. But apparently people request this? I think its the sickest thing I've heard in a while. Hey what freaky new bodily fluid can we use? Why would you ever do that to someone you cared about?

And if that's not a sign that people have a warped view of sex then some of the stuff going on in the fan fiction market should be sign enough. People started writing stories about a male 'protagonist' raping a female enemy as punishment, as opposed to fighting her. Their excuse rape is not a violent crime, but beating someone is wrong. What the hell is that supposed to mean. Rape should never be used as a punishment. And to make matters worst this is apparently a rising trend in fan fiction. It gives the stories shock value. But I just find it sick.

No one's worried about good writing anymore. A few years back fan allowed stories with explicit sex in them. But it was clogging up the bandwidth and causing complaints. Apparently 13 year old kids were writing most of them hoping that the NC-17 rated story would get them attention. One story featuered two nine year old's having sex. A lot of the stories were just giant orgies and so on.

I think a lot of the new stuff in porn is shock value. I don't see any other reason for it.

I guess that's all I really have anything to say on. If you want more opinions and articles and stuff, go look at Autumn's site.

1 comment:

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

I have very moderate views, meaning that I am in the middle of the two sides. I go either with different things.