Wednesday, July 27, 2005

All Nighter

Thanks for the comment on the new look Twinks, I wasn't sure if I should keep it or not, but then I relaized that I really liked it a lot and it had grown on me. It's the same template, the one that Emily made over at atropine design, but I changed the color scheme.

Today was a very interesting day, probably the most social I've been since I've been here. I woke up extra late. Around three in the afternoon. So I figured that this was going to be another one of those really bad days for me. I got on here, watched a little Angel and then Brandon, my old roommate called up and decided asked if he could stop by. I told him sure. He came in and I talked to him for a little while.

It was all about old times and such, and for the first time in a while things felt like first semester of last year again. Things felt almost normal.

After a while of that, we went down to Nicole's place, Brenton was there. He had just come up for the weekend and a few days of the week. She was at work, so we went out to Sonic and hung out there for a while. Had some food and drinks. It was nice to hang out with people again.

But things don't end there, Brenton had to go at ten, and Brandon and I sat around here until about two in the morning. It was then that we decided to go to the only twenty-four hour Starbucks in the city. We hung out there with these two other people, a guy and a girl. I haven't actually met new people here, until last night that is.

I even got their numbers and they invited me back to hang out sometime, when all of their other friends are out. I can't say much about them, they were fun but that's as far as I'll go with first impressions.

I will say this its nice to know someone in town. As for why I am posting this at seven in the morning, well I pulled and all nighter, I just got back from the coffee shop a while ago. I need to stay up to go to class and get my car fix. Maybe I'll wash clothes tonight. But yeah nothing all that exciting. I better get going.

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