Friday, July 15, 2005

Absolute-Terror Field

We all have at least one friend that puts up an emotional and mental wall to keep other's out, right? Wrong, everyone that we know does this in one way or another, you do it, I do it and the only thing that differs is the height, thickness and strength of the wall itself. Recognizing our own walls and knowing when they are in affect is the true test of knowing oneself.

Some of you may have heard me mention this term before, because it has come up a lot in the past six months a lot. But I think the only way to describe this wall is with the term Absolute Terror Field, AT-Field. I get this term from a television show and all it meant in there, as one of the characters described it is ...the Light of my soul, a scared territory in which no one may intrude...aren't you [Lillum] even aware that your AT-Field is merely a wall that encloses every mind that exists?.

Of course the fields in the show could lift someone up, destroy buildings and the such, our minds walls can't do stuff like that, at least not that we know of. But they can do a very good job at keeping others out, keeping someone from getting close to us. It's the whole Hedgehog Dilemma thing all over again. The basic idea of the hedgehog dilemma is the idea that people will avoid getting close to others, because when you get close to someone you basically decided to leave yourself open to get hurt.

If you shut others out, if you raise that At-Field to maximum, if you put that wall up as high and as strong as it will go you can avoid getting hurt almost nine times out of ten. But when things are over will you really have lived life. It will just seem like you lived a lone, and which one really is worst? Taking the good with the bad? Or living alone inside your own bubble?

I wonder about this myself often, its hard to answer. But I come to the same conclusion everytime—I don't want to be alone.

For those who don't know, Lillum is a word for humans taken from old Hebrew Myth, Lilith was the first wife of Adam who refused to sleep with him and struck off into the world to do things her own way. There are many conflicting myth about her after that, some say she slept with demons and man-like creatures to have her own children, others say she just had kids asexually, then still others say that is the mother of vampires. The middle train of thought is the most accepted and this is where people not of Adam's line come from in the Bible. They mixed with Adam's children and people would in fact be a mixture of the two lines.

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