Saturday, July 09, 2005

Comic Relief and An Empty Threat

This picture is another concept art from the comic I have been working on, I am trying to decide on styles and outfits, I really want to go with a Simpson-esque approach to things, their clothes will only change when the situation permits it. That having been said I want them in clothes that will look right in all but the following situations:


    —Cold Weather


    —Formal Occasions

With all of this I just have a few more things to do, characters added since the last comic, there is a Spike character, as well as a Kay character, and for comic relief there's a ninja named Shinobi...yes I know, comic relief characters are kind of tired but I will use him sparingly.My previous comics were Kind of A Lot of Komix (1996-2000), Battle of the Bands (2000-2002), Girl Next Door (2001), The Regulars (2001-2004), 8.106 (2004), yeah I've been at this for a while, over 50 books, and probably a couple dozen strips.

Oh and one more thing, next guy who tells me its gay to never draw guys is going to get sodomized with a pipe.

Here they are, in all their half colored glory.

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Anonymous said...

don't you think it's a little ironic that you defend your staunch record of heterosexuality... by threatening to anally rape someone with a cylindrical object ?

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Pwning someone with a pipe like that is an American tradition, just like bombing Iraq when there's a politcal scandal or blaming things on someone else!

People of any sexual orientation can do it!

I'm happy to keep it alive, and the fact its cylindrical is for their anal safety and comfort, I don't want to kill the poor sap.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Wait a damn minute, I just thought of something! "It's gay to draw women" is almost as stupid as saying "It's gay to date and sleep with women." That doesn't even make good sense, dude.

Sorry to say it to you people out there, but Doug Stanhope was wrong, gay just isn't a good's too easily deflected and expected almost all the time now days!