Friday, July 29, 2005

Best Week Yet

This has ben a very eventful week, but thinking back on it. It's been the best week I've had since I've been here. Last night was the clencher. I had pretty much planned to go to Church with Ashley earlier in the week and I was really looking forward to it.

So after class I took a nap, got up showered and headed out to meet her. I wasn't sure how to dress. So I just threw on a button up shirt and blue jeans. Well I drove down to the Starbucks, because that's where we said we were going to meet up. When I got there I didn't even recognize her. She had straightened her hair.

We sat down, talked for a while. It felt like there hadn't been any time since the last time we met, even though its been eight months.

After that we made our way to the Church and it was very different. I liked it alot, there were so many people my age. And a lot of pretty girls [none as pretty as Ashley, but yeah]. There was a live band and they played a few songs, but not the usual boring stuff, this was actually good. Then there was large discussion on the beattitudes. All and all, I loved it.

After that I went out with some of Ashley's friends and we just had dinner and hung out. I actually made new friends [wow!]. One of them even draws and colors, so I might have my comic book colorer, I'm so happy about that.

I went to a Hookah bar with them and a place called Alamo Cafe it was good, except for the bad service. Through out the night though something seemed really odd to me, I think I'm seeing why I had a crush on Ashley before. That's strange, but I didn't think it would go anywhere then. I think that now for the simple fact that she is moving back to Colorado at the start of September to attend this Christian school in the mountains.

Well that's pretty much all there is to say, I'll be around later. The weathers getting bad and I need to go get my car fixed. So bye.

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