Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Tom Cruise Rant

I have a new class tomorrow and I've been reading and writing more, I know its kind of odd to hear that kind of thing from me. It seems like lately my creativity has kind of faultered. It's slowly ebbing back so I think I might be able to complete a long story pretty soon now. I really hope I can be over this writers block like thing.

I've started doing fan fiction again, if you don't know what that is its when you write stories about existing books, tv shows, video games or people. Basically anyhting you can be a fan of can have fan fiction.

Way back when I wrote it there were serious writers doing the stuff, I don't know if I want to get back in there and throw much stuff on the internet for all to see, but I might slap a piece or two up here from time to time, just to get a little feedback.

Did anyone here this stuff about Tom Cruise going around and telling the press that it was unwise for Brooke Sheilds to take medicine for her Post pardum depression? He even said that there's no such thing as a chemical imbalance. What kind of crap is that? Has the guy ever heard of Andrea Yates? I mean I know that depression is real and its not going to go away by you just sitting on your hands.

I know the guy is a good actor and all, but he has really gone off the deep end as far as his ethics and morals go. Well that's all really, I better get back to writing.


C said...

I think Tom Cruise gave the logic portion of his brain to the aliens.

I liked your post. You're the kind of person I would have hung out with in college.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Thanks for the post, it's always nice to see a new person around. Espicailly ones with compliments :). Drop in again soon!