Friday, June 03, 2005

It's Been An Eventful Last Three Days...

Hmm, it's been too long since I wrote on here, an unpresidented two days, now before you all chase me off of the internet with torches le me tall you aobut the last three days.

Monday I went out to find out about school at the community college, just for summer school mind you. What I found out was that I didn't have all of the paper work in order and there was no way I could get it in time because I couldn't get through to UTSA, my college.

So I called Spike and I started bitching about how much I hated being in Houston and how it was hard to find a job and go to school. I then said, I have half a mind to drive up to San Antonio and just take classes there and move back into the dorms.

That's when he asked me if I wanted to, I said yes and we left right then and headed back to San Antonio, we stopped off in Killeen and saw my dad, and left out the next morning from there, drove through Austin, to San Antonio, we took care of what we had to, saw Julia, hung out with Rei and Auska and left there to go back to Austin.

I haven't been happier in weeks. Seeing Marisa was like a dream come true, I got to meet her brother and her brother's boyfriend, they were really nice cool guys, we all had dinner together and I just felt comfortable, I felt like things were good for once.

I got to see Marisa smile, really smile she's even more beautiful than I remember her. She looked like an angel. I know now that regardless of what happens with she and I, that we'll be okay as friends.

Apparently her brother and his boyfriend thought I was really nice and I'm proud of that. I feel good about it, and there's no regrets with the exception of the fact that I didn't bring her flowers, but I plan to rectify that when go up there this coming week.

After dinner we went to the apartment of a friend of Spike's and spent the night there to come back here today, its the Justin and Spike three city tour: Houston to Austin, Austin to San Antonio, San Antonio back to Austin, Austin to that is one hell of a road trip.

Oh, and I am moving back to San Antonio Sunday, that's right folks—the torture is OVER.

1 comment:

K. said...

im glad to hear that your happy. and being back where you feel at home, i know how awesome that feels.

hope your summer keeps getting better! love ya!!!