Thursday, June 23, 2005

Too Much On My Mind

If I haven't already mentioned it which I am pretty sure that I have, the job at Circuit City fell through. This is a pretty bad situation because I am going to need to get a job somewhere if I want all of my plans to work out. I am reluctant to do this, but I might have to get a job at the Barnes & Noble. I already applied at a place that they own so it will make it that much harder to apply there again.

A good job was hard to find in Houston, I mean at least I am getting call backs here, its really bad in Houston because there's not a big college where I live so no one quit their job to go back home and there are several large high schools in the area and when they all let out the jobs fill up.

We have people applying around Spring Break for application in my home town!

Things are still kind of foggy in my mind too, last night my father called and I got really upset with him because he keeps repeating the same things to me over and over again. If there's something I hate its my time being wasted on trivial crap like that. Telling me the same thing over and over while I'm trying to write a paper does not help me in the least.

I'm getting tired of these boring papers, I would much rather write a story or something. I wish I had a creative writing class, hell I wish I could major in creative writing. It's about the only thing I can do right and I don't think this school even offers it as a Major, I was checking up on it last night.

For the first time last night, after I got off the phone and came in my room I thought about transferring, I've never wanted to go anywhere but here until then but I realized for the first time since I have been here that I might be engaged in just what I said earlier in this post that I hated, a waste of time.

Not to say that college is a waste of time or even that UTSA is a bad college, but I need to be able to major in what I want to do. Then I have to think, 'If I move somewhere else then all of the people I know here, everything I know best will be gone.

In nature and in life, everything has a niche. Things go in their place—sometimes a creature or a thing might need to have it's place. I went through a long period where I felt as if I didn't really have a place. I resided in a group where there were times that I just didn't agree with things and I just didn't feel I liked what was going on. I got argued with about nothing at times and I just chalked it up to, Oh that's just how [he/she] is.

It wasn't until I went home for those first three weeks of summer I saw how bad things really were, I hung out with my friends and sure most of the time it was just cool and fine, not even most of the time, just some of the time. But I think that the point I made in the article on my other blog entry, 'Sometimes My Old Man Is Right', stands here to be seen. The friends I had that stayed at home for the first year of college for the most part, have not grown up.

I don't really want to go into the whole issue. But that was just to make a long story short. But I have a lot to think about, a lot to figure out [as you can see from the above] and I have some work for class I need to get started on. My grades in there are going well and I'd like to keep them that way.


K. said...

go here:

there are three creative writing courses, only one for fiction though, at utsa. there is also an advanced comp class, but its a 3000 level course and then there is a pro writing course which is also 3000 level. there are two advanced writing classes at the 4000 level, one for fiction. the prob i think with the utsa english major, its designed around critism, not writing. but im sure you already know all this. :- ).

and i did research for unlv, just for fun. they dont have a creative writing major for undergrad. but they do have a three year program for a master of fine arts in creative writing. go here for more:

also u. of north texas and ut el paso have creative writing majors. for a list of every college in the us with a creative writing major, go to:

well i hope all that helped.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Oh my God, you are amazing. Why are you so nice, you went and did all of this for me and I didn't even have to ask. You could have just told me to look it up myself. Thank you so much.