Monday, June 06, 2005

So Pissed Off...

There are times when I wonder if all parents really want you to make it in life. If they really want anything out of you at all. I watch other people and how they interact with their parents, I know that not all of the interactions I see are good, there are some that I see are terrible.

I see people who have on parent homes, or are foster children or adopted and then I wonder how much that effects someone.

Dealing with my parents the last few weeks have been hard, they tell me to do something and then when I try to do it can can't for some reason they tell me I'm a liar and that I'm trying to bullshit them.

They got mad about me going to see Marisa last week just because it was about thirty minutes out of the way. They don't care about me liking anyone, they don't care about what I want ever, they just give me choices and treat me like a fucking child.

There are times when my ten year old nephew has more choices on what he can do than I can. Any girl I let them meet get's treated like shit, anything I do gets scoffed at.

Just tonight they sit on the phone and call me stupid just because I didn't get into classes when I went down to the advising center.

I don't see why they can talk to and treat me like an adult, I mean stuff like when I'm talking they'll cut me off, but if I keep talking over them then they tell me not to talk over them. Fuck that, you talked over me, I just kept talking. Suddenly its my fucking fault.

I don't see how people who claim to love you so much can just act like you don't matter and nothing you ever do matters. Just how they talk to me it's like their trying to talk down to me. I don't get that when I talk to anyone else, and usually if I do that person gets yelled at.

My brothers don't even talk to me like that, its not right to talk to someone like that. I guess that this means that tomorrow I have to go up to the school, move my classes to this month and then reschedule some class for next summer semester.

This kind of stuff really gets on my nerves. But I have to go.

1 comment:

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Problem is, I am tryingto get out of the house now, but its like they don't want me to.

I don't understand, they complain about me all the time that I am around. But then when I'm not around they complain about my decison to leave.