Sunday, June 19, 2005

What Is The Matter With Me?

Something is wrong with me, the worst part is I really can't tell what. Every since Friday night I've been feeling kind of down, things just seem kind of grim right now and I don't why I'm feeling like this.

I just want to talk to somebody and I don't know what to say, do I need to keep acting like everything is normal and okay? Or do I tell them I don't know what the matter is.

Since I've been feeling this way I've only talked to Spike, Kay, Marisa; which is not really anything out of the ordinary because that's who I talk to almost every day. I don't know if what to say when I talk about it, last time that I felt this way and showed it Auska and Rei went around talking to me like I was going to kill myself or something.

I don't feel right and while I'd like to talk about it, I don't want anyone telling me that I'm in some kind of danger when I really don't believe I am. It's not that I'm worried about getting hurt,it's just that I don't like this feeling, I don't like feeling like I did something wrong when I've done nothing at all.

I really don't have antything else to say about that, we did the whole Father's Day thing today, it just seemed kind of odd being with my family. I can't really talk too much around them and I don't even seem to be able to interact properly with them.

Things are just a little strange for me right now, at least I'm back at home,the dorms, where I can do the things I like to. Right now I'm watching American Dad, I heard one of the funniest lines I've heard on a television show in a while on there, Son, feelings are what women have, they come from their ovaries.

Guess I better go get a shower and stuff, I have a lot to think about. Tomorrow I'll have some pictures to post.


K. said...

im here if you want to talk about it. trust me, i know the feeling.

you know the number...

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Thank you to the both of you, I can see right now that I am going to have a time trying to get to sleep tonight, I'm wide awake and its 1:44 AM. It sucks having nothing to do that would tire you out.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Yeah I kind of don't have the ability to PMS, lol I wish I did so this all made some sense. It doesn't bother me that I feel this way, it bothers me that I don't know why. And knowing is half the battle.