Saturday, June 04, 2005

So Long, Sweet Summer....

It's become obvious that I'm not really getting anything done around here. I think that I would be better off in college working towards something. I talked to my brother for the second time since I got home.

He was pretty upset about the low grades I made and even more upset that I had decided to go back, but I hate it here. Even though there's no one up there for me to hang out with, even though I might not be able to get a job up there either, its better than being here.

Despite all of the things that are happening, my mind keeps shooting back to one person, Marisa. I know now that I have to talk to her and tell her all of this someday, I feel like I she doesn't understand why I tell her the things I do.

I guess I thought it was obvious when I backtracked to Austin to see her that I really care about her and seeing her was more important than anything. I am worried about her, she got back with her ex and she says its just until she finds someone better, but I know that if he does the same to her it will hurt her so much.

Well before I just sit here and ramble on, here's the plan. To San Antonio as early as I can, drop off my crap, and then to Austin to see Marisa. On the way there I'm going to pick up two bouquets, one for this time, and the other for the last. And then back to the school.

How eventful.


K. said...

i hope everything works out. i think if your just somewhere where you are happy, you can make it work. even with marisa.

just tell her... "I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays..."

summers not over yet, its just the beginning, make the most of it...

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Wow, you actually knew the song I was referencing with the title and finished the lyric. I guess you did listen to Dashboard Confessional in the car all night.

If I were to tell Marisa that she would probably give me a weird look and clal me strange. But in actuality she appreciates it. I'm so thankful to have a girl like her that really listens to me!

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

I'm going to try, its hard to say what's going to happen, or at this point even if I can make it,m I'm low on gas and borrowing money is hard for me to do and all.