Thursday, May 05, 2005

Time's Running Out...

Back in the swing of things, here we are. I've been playing alot of Guild Wars, but I really don't want to go into it now. I don't know what to say about the game.

On a more interesting note I have been watching more X-Files lately. has anyone ever heard of this actress, Katharine Isabelle, that played in one of the episodes? She's very pretty. I found a few photos of her.

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Alright, this is her, isn't she pretty.

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This one is really nice, too, although the quality is kind of low

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This is my favorite

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And lastly, there's this.

I've seen like every episode of this show and yet I don't remember her from before.

Now onto what I wanted to discuss, Marisa. I have been getting increasingly nervous around her and today all of it culminated in what happened today. I'm going to negate telling you about most of the day before that until after this little bit. Marisa just walked into the community center while we were there and told me that she was going to the movies and that she would see me later.

Well Auska, whom I was with mistaked this for that she wanted to see me later, so she told me to go up and talk with her. So I go up there to see her and she was kind of shocked I think, well maybe shocked

Well the little thing that happened was that I unwillingly touched her on the butt. It was kind of one of those things you do but don't think about. I was poking at her wallet when it happened. And I even asked her what was in her pocket. I feel like such a dumb ass for that one. I didn't notice what I had done until like an hour later.

Not only that, but Spike was trying to get me to go to the movies with Marisa and I kept thinking I didn't want to get all in her way and stuff and just become annoying. I should have though about the fact that we would be seeing a scary movie and I would be with a girl who gets scared all of the time. I would have been there to comfort her, hell last time that she got scared she wanted to call me. I feel good about that still, it feels good to be trusted like that.

Maybe she's been here reading this damn thing—maybe that's how she knew she could trust me. I don't know who all reads this thing, and I'm surprised everytime I find out someone new does. I feel really dumb for missing an oppurtunity to hang out with her, I know that there won't be many more for a while because she's going to transfer after this semester. That scares me a bit, I don't know what I'll do next semester.

I want to tell her how I feel and how much I'd just like to try something out, but the words never seem to come.


FantasticAlice said...

Words never come easily for someone in your position. You are just trying to be suave, smooth, sophisticated.

Trust me, it never comes across that way. However many women I know feel flattered to have a man get tongue tied and fall on his words.

It means they like us.

Either way your heart will know what to do.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Well there is some good news in light of all of this, she didn't go to the movies last night afterall, so we might get the chance tonight.

K. said...

hope you little date went well tonight! you have to tell me all the juicy details tomorrow! hehe.

and dont worry about getting nervous, she well think your just cute.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

It's not a date. It was just an outing, and it turned out to be more fun than I expected.