Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Things got a little heated around here after Autumn's post about about how men should repsect women more. I've been saying this for a while, and usually when I do it people act like I'm some kind of a dick or a traitor for opening my mouth.

Now I have to say that Autumn hit it home with the most recent post, she basically gave points about what she thinks good men do, and I can agree with her, although I can't deny having done some of the things on the list wrong. Below I have listed the things I think I do wrong and right

They don't have prejudgements about women (at least they don't speak them out loud). Always assuming this or that woman is high maintanance or bitchy. Get to know us first, don't judge us by the cover. I know not all women do this with me, I can tell you, I rarely just a book by it's cover, in fact, I don't look at the covers, I look at what's inside, but I can't make everyone like that.

I'm sorry to say that I have a problem with being prejudgemental...I mean even when I first met Marisa I was completely wrong about her. I saw her sitting down the hall against the wall, just like me, but she was reading a book and I thought she was really pretty but just figured her to be rude or mean, so I stayed away from her for most of the first semester.

Now I know the opposite to be true, she's such a sweetheart and so fun to be around and I was totally wrong about her.

They don't degrade women with words or actions in any way. (like when the guys at work (married men at that) talk about the "hot chick" at work and how "fine her ass is" and that they shouldn't have fired her even though she wasn't doing her work because "at least she's nice to look at"... all the while saying these degrading things in front of other female coworkers.

Okay, sometimes I say things like hot, I don't mean it as an insult or anything, I don't mean it to be degrading, and I definately don't use the word fine. I don't ever degrade women because of the fact that they are women. I degrade on a person to person basis, depending on if they're nice or not. I'm an equal oppurtunity degrader and most of the time I'm targeting guys anyway.

They don't let their eyes wonder no matter what kind of woman they are with, be it their girlfriend or wife, mother or sister, coworker or friend. It's just rude. If you're going to do it, wear sunglasses or do it descreetly. When you're with a woman, give her your full attention, you can be sure that she's giving you hers!

I do this one all of the time, but so do the women I hang out with for the most part. I think its just an effect of being at a college in San Antonio, there's just too many beautiful people. But there are times when you can't pay attention to anything in the room but that one special someone.

They know women are the higher species and I don't say that to be all-knowing, they truely do think women are Goddesses. Look at how amazing we are!!! I believe women are stronger in more ways than men think.

I'm old school thinking that, I've been saying that same shit since like 1998! Word!

They let us be ourselves. Emotional, intellectual, giddy, silly, sexy, slutty, smart, caring, nurturing, judgemental, shy, jealous, fashion inclined (or not), indecisive, whiney, and beautiful.

Unless someone's a major asshole, this pretty much applies to ALL people. If its the way they want to be and it doesn't directly effect you, then leave it alone.

Dammit people, I had a new game I wanted to write about, Guild Wars! and this took up all my time. Oh well. It was fun doing this, I'll have to jump straight into it tomorrow if nothing else comes up.

And Autumn, hon, you have to take that right-click protection off! I mean not that it works when you can just diable java, but it could make it hard for other people to respond!

1 comment:

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

I don't know, cloning more like me probably wouldn't fix the problem. Oh and I was talking about that java enabled right click protection so people can't copy and paste.