Thursday, May 26, 2005

"Hope II"

Hope, its funny that this word is in strong text. Because Hope is a strong feeling. As I said before it is a refusal to give up on something that is seemingly lost. Humans hope all of the time, we hope even without realizing it.

We hope it won't rain when we go to the beach, we hope that the cafe is not out of coffee, things like that, no matter how small are big regardless of how you see them because hope is impossible for any other creature except for a human to feel

People will read this and ask did I go around and test other creautres on Earth, did I ask them what were their hopes if any? No I don't have to. Hope takes extreme amounts of intelligence. It's not something that you can just conjur up, hope also would show a lot of imagination because unlike most animals do, when they accept things as they are and adapt, we as humans have the ability to look at how things are and wish they were different.

Of course all of this isn't my own idea, I got the idea after watching Evangelion and hearing some lines that were said about Angels having no hope and not even unmderstanding it. Often hope will even be irrational because what someone hopes for may go against all odds. But no matter, because to them it is important enough for them to wish for.