Friday, May 27, 2005

A Dream Come True...

Maybe its a good thing that I have people like Kay around. Thank you for the long talks, there's nothing as refreshing as finding someone out there who knows just how you feel!

I feel better when I talk to someone who just nods their head at what I say and understands me almost completely. It's comforting to know you're not alone.

It was kind of odd, I mentioned something that I hadn't really thought about in a long time today when I was talking with Kay, I used to be hell bent on being in the F.B.I., it used to be all I wanted. I know now that's a near impossibile, but I was just wondering what dreams did you used to have that you realized had to just be given up?

Now pretty much all I really hope to accomplish is a happy stable family, and a decent job. I think I can pull that off, as a matter of a fact I'm sure I can.

I guess simple dreams are the best, dreams that don't involve names or specifics. Unfortunately for most of us we something that we think is ideal and we go after it. Some people dream of being with celebirty women, some people have dreams of acting, or making it big in sports. All of that's just too complicated the the odds are so against you.

Dreams are good to have, but its best not to let you get too carried away with them.

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