Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Before Crisis

Well not much to say as of now, I haven't talked to Marisa yet, but

there is this. I am planning on drawing a picture of my characters from

my story based on this picture from the upcoming game Final

Fantasy VII:Before Crisis

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Here's the Link to the bigger image: FF:BC.

The pose is just priceless, I mean its so cool and action filled, I loved the Turks in that game (the assassins) and while my story is about a group of F.B.I. agents this is a fitting pose for them too.

I guess it has been forever since I posted drawings on this thing, so let me do it right here and now just to let people know I can draw! Here's a Character Design for a demon hunter.

Here is one of what I thought would be my new character set for the comic, Shinji and Janus are actually in this one, they are both on the far right. Oh well, Cait Sith colored it for me, did a damn good job...The Comic

Now here's something for the ladies, this is a picture of Stroud (from my story) I drew it with one of my friends in mine, she loved it: Stroud.

One of Rei

I had to do one of the infamous comic, Almost Never.

Last but not least here's one of Megs, from back home.

That should be enough for now

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