Saturday, January 07, 2006

I Am Jack's Fun With Heather and Greg

Today, a lot like the last. It's going to linger on as the best two day streak I've had in a while. I got into it with the parents, but all is well that ends well, and it looks like I might make it here. In a few short days people will start to shuffle back to this place like its some kind of Scholastic Mecca, and I wonder will things ever be the same as they were for this short time between semesters. If I'm around to see the day when we're all married with kids and familes of our own, I know I will never forget this time or the friends I made during it. It all means a lot to me.

And I would like to say something really important, Kay has been really sick for the past few days and I would like everyone to pray for her. I'm kind of worried about her, and I am worried about Mandi too, she called me frantic the other day and when I asked her what was going on she told me not to worry and that she had to go, she mentioned to call her back later, but I tried and there's nothing. It really worries me, but I have faith that everything is alright.


K. said...

thanks for the prayers. i mean i can swallow now. so they must be working. hehe. go me!!!

love ya kid.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Lol its cute that you call me kid and I'm older.