Monday, August 22, 2005

This Is Only A Test

It feels like I've been away for a while, I have so many blogs to comment on before I head to bed! School starts this week, its going to be different I guess. A new semester and all. I'm going to try and make things better around here. Starting with my grades.

I feel like getting back into the swing of things with a blog about something I got in my email the other day. There's this guy who has some kind of column, he emails it around. It's about how to meet and date women. Its's so funny because a lot of the things he mentions seem to kind of ring true. The latest one he sent out was about The Tests Women Give Us. Now all of you know when I say test I don't mean multiple choice with a little green par score scantron.

I mean verbal and mental things that girls do to test out the waters. This pisses some men off because they feel like they are being done wrong. But the author of the article stated that women have to test men. Otherwise men could just lie and that would be the end of it. Women, through years of dating evolution, have developed this as kind of a failsafe to protect them from asshole men. Unfortunately a lot of other men get caught up in this too.

Sometimes it seems like when you're just friends with a girl they test you, to see if you can be trusted and the like. I would like to think those are the easier set of tests. But I don't really know if they even know they are doing it or what.

That's why I think I'll play it like Autumn and Twinks do, and ask a question. This is for all of the ladies out there: When you test a guy do you know it? Or do you even test them?


The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Yeah the article talked about how women keep testing. I think men run slight tests too, but their much easier to pass. It's like, be hot, breath, be of age (most of the time), have vagina.

Danger said...

Sometimes I know, but when I know, it's pretty obvious. Like I ask the guy to make a promise. Keeping promises and coming through with the things you say you'll do are the best ways to gain my trust... at least, when it's been broken. Also, keeping certain things confidential is another way to earn trust.
Other than that, I don't know if I'm testing a guy, or by what means I do it. On a date, I am aware of what scores them the most points... and that's chivalry and sincerity! Hey, even if you're faking those two things, I'm just happy to live in that false little world of being treated wonderfully and feeling like there's a true connection. Real connections can be built from fake ones!

Anonymous said...

I think that for me... I'm not really aware I'm testing someone until after the test is in progress. Like I don't really set my mind to "test" the particular person... it's just after I do or say whatever it is... I know that I was waiting to get a reaction of out them to decide if the guy is going to be someone I can deal with, be with, get along with... whatever. Then I realize that it WAS a test, but that I didn't even realize I was going to do it. It is almost never planned... and in most cases it's basically like a comment I make or a small action on my part just to see his response. Nothing big, but it is, after all, the little things that mean the most. There also isn't ever like a pass or fail involved in it, it's just kind of like... to see what kind of person he is and to see if I like how he reacts to me and what I do. I do know girls who definitely set up tests though too. And involve their friends. To see if the guy would cheat, etc. So... I think it just depends on the person. Hope that helps. lol.

Anonymous said...

Yes I am aware of when I am "testing" and yes I do "test"...I just figure if they pass maybe I won't get hurt this time...but they never pass and I always get maybe when they pass I will stay unhurt...go figure.
