Sunday, August 28, 2005


I haven't really been here to do this in a little while, but its not like anything big happened. I'm kind of glad that I have gotten to meet the little Freshmen girls, their sweet and really cute. I love watching them talk because some people are real animated and funny when talking. But right now I need some more nerdy guys to hang out with so we can do nerdy stuff. I think I met a potential candidate the other day.

It was actually a little while back, let me explain the whole thing. On my second time eating the new cafe here I happened to be bored just sitting with my old roommate Brandon. So while he was talking to someone else I got up and kind of wandered the room. I came across a really pretty girl sitting alone and I asked her was everything okay and if she had someone to sit with her. She told me she had friends on the way, but for some reason we struck up a conversation. Her name, for the sake of confidentiality is D. I talked to D for what must have been fifteen or twenty minutes. Then I told her I better get back to my table.

On the way there, I run into a guy wearing a Domokun shirt, for those who don't know what he is. He's a Japanese television mascot of sorts. Kind of like the NBC peacock, only with more of an active role. He's the thing to the right. Well that shirt, in and of itself is pretty nerdy. So we started talking a little and he seemed pretty cool.

That's pretty much it for my little adventure that day, but on a side note, the very next day CJ, Jen and I go down to the cafe because...we were hungry. And when we get to the table the sun keeps coming in through the window hitting me in the face. Not literally. But you know.

So I tell them we're moving the table, because the day before the sun had defeated when it made me move and I'm not leaving the table this time. I mean that may sound dumb, but I had been at that table for thirty minutes, no billion year old ball of burning gas was going to make me move because it's on the clock!

Well there were these girls at the next table over, I asked them if we could slide our table against theres to get the sun back, the spot was at the perfect angle to avoid getting hit. They said yes so we did. But it was like no one introduced themselves. So CJ and I kept talking as we normally would have. Then something compelled me to tell them who I was. And when I did, come to find out the one at the head of the table who I had asked if I could move our table against theirs was D.

Ladies, in all seriousness, its not fair to expect someone to recognize you when you go and put on glasses and put your hair in a pony tail. Of course she acted like it was because she was uglier. Not the case at all, just didn't look like what I remembered from the day before. The glasses weren't even a bad touch. Funny thing was I still kept looking at her going Wow, she's cute I just never acted on it.

And she gave me one of those, I smiled at you to let you know, but I get lots a smile from people all day. Some people love to smile about nothing. I thought nothing of it. So we kind of took time just talking that day. But one of her friends posed the question had I ever been to the club, of course I haven't. CJ promptly answered, Well, everybody in the clubs gettin' tipsy...and its just not my scene.

We've got stop with the puns and references, no one understands us when we talk. I think the only female that does anymore is Allison.

So I offered to take them if they showed me around when they went, and that's how I got here. Justin is going to a club. I don't believe this shit!

On a slightly shittier note, my parents made me drive back to Gatesville this morning at six AM to cut the yard there. Its three hours. I hadn't had sleep. Brandon came with me and we got there, I cut the yard and did various other tasks for her that included such fun things as:

  • Standing in the heat

  • Getting yelled at

  • Getting grass and dust on me so thick I started to itch all over and scratched till I bled in a spot (whoop-dee-fucking-doo)

  • Sweeping up dog poop

  • Getting chased by big ass bees (I swear to God these bees were like fucking hell spawn)

  • Fighting off various elemental Ninjas...okay so I made this up, but its more believable than something else like...making out with all these hot girls. Not that that's any fun when your constantly itching!

I drove back here, got home at 7 pm, and crashed. And here I am now. Oh and I have a new comic, but I better get this done. so Erin can read it lol. Post that crap later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool blog! it was fun reading it. i especially like how you finished it just for me!