Monday, August 08, 2005

Synthetic Day

I went to class today so tired that I couldn't make it through, I had to leave halfway in. It really sucked and its all because I couldn't sleep the other night. I just had too much to think about. I guess that I can at least assure myself that I will be in bed early tonight. I'm already sleepy as all Hell.

There's not really much to say about today, I had to leave class around 12:50, I was just running on too little of sleep this time. I came home and passed out immediately, I woke up at 5:00 the first time, but I quickly started back on my nap again and slept until about 7:00.

By that time I was so hungry. I got up and went out to get some food, the line was so long at the place I wanted. So I went over and walked around the Barnes & Noble and I stopped by the Starbucks there. Right when I walked in the door a woman stopped me to comment on my shirt.

The shirt I was wearing was a Family Guy shirt. It had the evil monkey thing on it. And the woman just kept telling me about how much she loved it. I really couldn't move, I just kind of stood there and agreed with what she said. I think that in my mind I couldn't function socially yet because I was too sleepy.

Well her husband or boyfriend was a few feet away on a cell phone and when he turned back she started telling him about the shirt, he looked at me, introduced himself and asked if I was interested in a job. I was a little shocked and thought I had dreamed it, I mean I've been having some pretty strange dreams lately. One of which I had while I was sleeping today.

But anyway, I told him I would love a job and he gave me his card, now keep in mind this is just the short version of this story, there was a few more exchanges and the like, but you know.

As for the dreams I had, they were very strange. I remember in one of them I was having this conversation with someone over the phone. And I just woke up in the middle of the dream and said something out loud as if I were answering them. A lot of my dreams have been ending up that way lately, I mean what the hell does that mean?

Well, I'm about to have to go, its raining here and the like. I promise I'll try to write something a little more interesting next time, but today just felt strange to me, it felt so synthetic or something.

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