Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hell Week

Normally I would be wide awake right now, but for some reason I am wiped out, I think that I have been over stressing about all of the work I have due. I pretty much stayed in the Dark Room today for a good three hours, it was rough, you really get tired of being in there because its just so awkward spending that much time in a place that dark. And on top of that I ruined some of my paper because of something, I can't figure out what did it.

I talked to my brother today for a good long time, and I don't even really know what brought it up, he just called and we talked. Don't get me wrong, not the one that I lived with, this is the one that lives in Houston still. While I was on the phone with him my nieces and nephew came home from school and one of them asked how come I never come to see them, it has been so long and I really do miss them, I might have to make a special trip home. I really don't like being home if I don't have to though because its just not the happiest place to be, but I feel I have to go home now.

So tonight before I go to bed I should have some of this report done, and I should have some research for it done so it looks like I actually did something. I am not sure how long the report should be, but I think two and a half pages sounds about right. I just hope that I can do that much on the subject matter, and I hope that I can for once do something right for this class. For some reason this year seems harder than previous ones, I really think I need to work out more time to myself, because it seems like some of the most fun that I have is when I have time to sit and thing, and too often I don't get that. Either that or I hang out with people and for some reason do things I don't want to be doing really.

Well once this week is over, I can rest some and go at a more regular pace, just can't wait until this week is over.

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