Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The War

This is my basic declaration of war on atheists, not the kind that you see who just don't believe. While I believe differently than them, I don't mind it if they don't do mean stuff to me. If they really feel like that's what they want to do, then so be it, but they don't need to bad mouth me or any one else who believe in God or whatever other people believe in.

The reason I am saying this is because I have noticed that on the internet, especially at Anime sites, there are so many atheists, and not the normal nice kind. But the vicious kind that just say mean shit because they think its cool to be anti-religion (especially Catholic and Muslim). I would go as far to say that there is a difference between being "atheist" and being "anti-religion". The anti part in the "anti-religion" shows that you are proactively trying to be mean or rude and trying to change what others believe.

I do believe that people should spread God's word, but for the sake of all that's out there, don't be a dick about it. What I mean to say is that one of the things these atheists do when I see them on the forum a lot is they insult Christians and other religious people. One of them said that all Christians believe that the Earth is six thousand years old. They call us out for wanting women to have no rights, and for being against abortion. Well of course we don't like murder, if you don't want to have a kid then don't have sex. If sex is soooo worth it then deal with the consequences.

They tell me that belief in God is no logical, well that's funny because to me, thinking that billions of molecules that could have gone an infinite number of ways; to think that in something like the Big Bang if the power of the blast had been off 0.00000000000000001 % none of us would be here right now, leaves me to believe that belief in "atheism" is illlogical. I wouldn't get so mad at this if they didn't advertise how stupid they think the idea of God and Christians are, if they didn't insult who created them, look at the terrible shit they say!

These are all actual quotes:

"But then hey, in order to be religious you need a certain logical gap in your brain anyway, so I guess I shouldn't be too suprised."

"I wasn't there, I don't know. To me Jesus is something people make fun of over the net in several photoshop pictures, cartoons, jokes and theres a picture of him and Pikachu having sex (what the fuck?).
EDIT: Ah yes, also when people get suprised or hurt in movies they go "ARH GEZUZZZZ!11"."

"But you just said that God has a grand plan and all those are parts of it, so how come those people are evil, if they simply follow God's plan? *din* Thats the sound of phail!"

"Ha! Logic lessons from a theist. Don't preach logic when you believe in the illogical."

I'll answer your question anyway. The God of religions is impossible. A being can't be omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient all at the same time because these characteristics counter eachother. And Hell conflicts with an omnibenevolent God. Omnibenevolent means 'all-good'. Would an all-good being condemn people to Hell for eternity? The fact that there are hundreds of religions makes me skeptical, too. Every group claims to be right, every group has a holy book, yet none can back themselves up. Why believe in something with no solid proof/evidence?"

All real quotes, so from here on I'm going to work on taking them down a peg, many of the ones I run into that are like this are narsacistic and just plain wrong about half of the word diarehha coming out of their mouths. Here showing people that even if they believe something, they need to respect others.


Anonymous said...

Justin, remember first that belief in a God is an act of faith. Purely faith. It's one of the central themes of the Bible, to hold to one's faith. Faith is admirable and unconquerable. There's no argument to counter faith.

If you forget the basis of your beliefs in faith, you're likely to stumble across a couple of errors.

First of all, appeals to logic will never, ever work to someone that doesn't have faith. Logic defeats the existence of a God. Hence why faith must exist in the first place. You can't argue in favor of God on a purely logical basis, or you'll lose.

Second, you can't rely on God to explain what you feel logic can't. Where there are ways logic falls short for you, God can't supplant that logic. Logic will always find a way to explain everything, just the same way an idea of God can do the same. When God becomes your explanation, the other explanations will clash and shake the foundations of your faith. Faith can't rest on the shortcomings of logic because logic and reason won't always fall short, and faith will sometimes conflict with what reason spells out. It's your decision what to believe.

Declaring a 'war' won't help anything. It looks like you're already at war, though. Every one of these quotes is a reply to something you said (which you've unfortunately omitted). It doesn't look like they're just randomly attacking you. It looks like they're just angrily fighting back.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

No actually only one of them is a reply to something I said, these people are just being assholes, there's no reason to act like that.