Saturday, September 16, 2006

Give Up

I'm stuck thinking about someone, and I know that some might call it sad or call it pathetic or any number of things. Tonight I was hung up on things, I was replaying things I wish could happen. Moments I wish I could have, just sitting with someone, watching a movie, talking face to face. These thoughts took priority in my mind, they controlled my night.

I hate to think about it, because I know that these things will never happen. For some reason I know that they can't because I doubt I could ever be that lucky or well off. What do you say to that when you're just twenty and you know that the things you want most in the world, the important things, you can never have?

What's left to work for if you never get anything you want, you never get to have anyone to spend time with? You just give up on everything else right? It feels like the easy way out of all these things.

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