Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Slow Motion

There are a whole array of sensations that can be changed by just the way things are going around you. I got news today that I won't be able to room with Brandon next semester, which is something that I was really hoping for. I could already see that he and I would get along well and that there wouldn't be many if any problem with it. The reason my parents gave? Well they want me to stay here in Chapp, not that it matters. But if I can I might as well stay in the same freaking room now.

I mean I guess I can make some sense of it, if I have to rent fruniture, pay utilities and all of that other stuff maybe the idea wasn't that good, but it was something that I really looked forward to. I don't have much to look foward to here at the school, but I guess whatever right. I mean I didn't really expect them to do something that I wanted to do, right?

I am looking forward to this weekend, I get to see Sandra, which is something I am really looking foward to, today is Tuesday, could this week move any slower!

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