Monday, November 01, 2004

Reenact...for what. and Don't Vote

Tell me why is it that people feel the need to reenact bad bullshit that's happened in the past, I just saw a commercial saying that they were going to reenact the bombing of Pearl Harbor. First of all, how the hell do you do that? I mean there was something like a dozen ships sunken and three thousand men killed.

Second of all, why the fuck would you, what the hell hit these people in the head? I mean is there nothing sacred in this world. How the fuck do you just start picking tragic events and having people act them out, when they happened like 60 years ago and they're mentioned by everyone who wants to sound clever when they talk about history.

Yeah, next time they have a big "We got blown up" party in Hiroshima and reenact the dropping of the Atomic bomb, someone call me, I don't care, call collect from Japan. I want to know about this, because that's un-fucking-believable, I'm so pissed I can't stop cursing. If I get any madder I might switch into AOL Nerd mode and cease all use of capital letters and proper punctuation.

People reenact wars, they think its cool to run around dressed like a bunch of people who died fighing for something they believed in. Now they're reenacting the day we got our asses handed to us by a sneak attack, next thing you know they'll want to build a scale model of the Twin Towers and ram tiny planes into because they think it makes them part of something.

Why don't you idiots go reenact a suicide bombing next, except you can run into a crowd of cardboard cut out people.

That's all I have to say about that, because it was making me really mad, I have to mention something else, this whole, vote or die, please vote because we need people to vote thing...

If you live in Texas, don't vote, because if you vote for Bush you're just doing what most of the state is doing, and if you vote for Kerry you're just wasting gas and you're own damn time, Bush has this state and if Kerry wins it I'll break my GTA game in half. Know why I said that?

Because he won't win this state.

I don't doubt he'll win the election, but he will never win this state. When was the last time any democrate won this state. Who else is tired of Puff Daddy and his little Vote or Die campagin. I'm sorry Puffy, but no one is going to fall over dead if we don't vote.

I'm black, I have a brain in my head, I can see what's going on in the world today, I don't need a "hip-hop" attitude or someone who thinks their anything besides a preformer to tell me that the President is important. But I remember last election someone saying things about Bush will set this country back 20 years?

How the hell does that happen? I mean if anything Clinton did that with his deprive the Defense Budget policy. Bush didn't do any worse than anyone else would have done, this was all bound to happen and I'm just glad that these last 4 years were at least interesting, if I can say one thing about Bush, he's entertaining to watch.

He is dumb as the day is long, and I mean 'oops I ate the soap dumb' and there's not much else I could say to show that point enough, doesn't make him a bad person. But Dick Cheney is evil and that's that.

Now Kerry, he is some kind of human incarnation of Skeletor from He-Man. He looks like he needs to pin some of his skin back before it falls off. And then there's his policies that require all this money no one has. I could run for President on the platform that we can use wishes and good intentions to get by.

So my advice, don't vote, if no one votes then they'll have to wonder what happened to everything. And then we can call them and tell them that they need to abolish the Electoral College, because that system is bullshit--states have points?

It's like something that belongs in a tacky board game.

So I'm not voiting and that's that, plus I can't get home to do it, four hour drive, I have a class Tuesday....

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