Thursday, November 04, 2004

Viva Las Venturas!!

Everywhere I go I run into them, people who are sitting there sulking over Bush's recent victory. Its okay to have wanted the other guy, but to them I say--"Cut that out and go do you damn job!" I mean you could be out planting a tree or picking on people too defenseless to say anything about it. Don't sit around all day crushed, especially Texans--this is Texas, what did you expect to happen, did you really expect to see a big blue Texas on that map?

I'm not going to spend all of this post talking about that, because I've been getting angry at people for the last few days because the rub me the wrong way. I admit that Kerry was robbed, he won the popular vote, but the electoral college is crap, but no one wants to get rid of it because as someone said earlier proudly after saying Kerry should have one, " its tradition".

I don't back either one of them, but its over and done now--no recounts. So let it go and get on with your life. Now, its on to the goodies!

It is so cold and beautiful here, I think this is the nicest day I can remember in a while. The only wish I have is that we could sink the sun out of the sky or just block it out partly. It ruins a nice cold day, up there with the shining and the constant heating us up. The sun is not good, its only good for plants and people who like vitamin D. We should block it out or put up some giant screen.

The sky was as blue as the ocean off the coast of Cancun, or even as Desi's eyes. I really like that color blue, its great. Well I called Desi and asked her if she wanted to go to Las Vegas, she did, only problem she has to work. Well there's goes the whole Vegas trip, not like I wanted to go anyway.

It was about two when I called and talked to her, so we opted to go to the middle of campus together, she had to work, I had class. So we walked up there and had a nice little conversation and everything was peachy. I went to my class, Anthropology and talked with Allison some about the whole thing she did Monday where Disney interviewed her for a job. Sounded like she had some fun when it was all said and done and she's hoping to get the job.

She keeps saying that I should try out for the job too, because it could open up oppurtunities for me in the future as an animator and stuff. But I don't know about all of that. I've never really seen myself as an animator, just a writer. Its kind of the only way I can realistically see myself now.

After that class I went to the bookstore, where guess who works, to get a drink. Desi spotted me and asked me about the whole Vegas thing, she slapped me of turning it down. It wasn't a hard slap, just the cute playful kind.

Well after that I went down to my Comp class and sat there while she explained our essay to us, good thing my topic is something I have books about already, because I hate setting foot in the library. It's just weird to be in there. My teacher and I cracked a few jokes back and fourth and everything seemed cool, this is one of the best days I've had in class yet.

She's a young teacher, only 24 and she tells us hilarious stories about things that haved happened to her in the past and she understands us better because she was just recently where we are now. It's good to have someone like that, its harder and harder to have that the furthur back in school you go. How can a first grade teacher relate to a student? It makes their job hard.

After that class I came back here to sit around and do I don't know what for a good hour and a half, then at 6 I get a call from Desiree and she wants me to come to dinner. Well my roommate came with me to dinner. He was blatantly fliriting with Desiree that made me so mad. She didn't seem responsive. If it happens again I'll have to call him out. But I'm not all that sure how I would do that.

But that's all besides the point because tomorrow I'm going to try to muster up the courage to ask Desiree out, I need to do this because I think I've waited enough time and all I'll do if I wait longer is drag it out until she loses interest in me if there is any. So I need to do this and if things don't go well I'll just pick up and continue to be her friend, because she's always fun to hang around with. So I will talk to her tomorrow and see what she thinks. I'll tell her about how I've had more fun with her than I have with anyone else since I've been here. And I'll just explain myself with out being too sappy, because being sappy is just sad.

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