Thursday, November 25, 2004


Thanksgiving usually turns out to be one of the most disappointing holidays of the year, but this year it was at least interesting. I didn’t have to do too much work because I got here after most of the work was done, it wasn’t really intentional but I’m glad it happened.

I was able to get some thinking, comic drawing and other things like that done today. Most of which I will have to wait until I get back to use. I think I’m going to discuss some more of the story with Ricky Monday to see what he thinks; he seemed pretty interested in the whole thing.

I’m hoping to get feedback from him and Desiree this coming week because I gave them both stories to read, I gave her the story that deals with things that are a little more normal. The story I gave to Ricky deals with vampires and things like that, that’s what the first few stories were about so its easy to come up with one of those.

Well while I’m here in town and stuff I’d like to see Tiffany, Alexis, and maybe a few other people. I guess it would be easier if my dad was going to be here with his car after tomorrow, but I’ll have to make due somehow.

If all of this doesn’t make sense to those of you reading this mess on Blogger its because I wrote it before hand and had to transfer it over—so sorry about that. If I get a chance to see Alexis I’m going to show her how to make a xanga account because she showed some interest in it the other day. It’ll be nice to see her since I haven’t since I left here.

I really want to see Kinsey because out of all my really close friends I haven’t seen her in the longest. Its been since May! I really miss Kinsey, she’s like a little sister to me and I’d really just like to talk to her and stuff. Well I better get off of this thing, its really hard to type on this shitty e-machine keyboard. Catch you on the Flipside.

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