Monday, August 16, 2004

Now It's Time To Get Me Some Cave Man Hookers

It always cheers me up to watch a good old installment of the Simpsons, it can cheer me up when I'm feeling kind of down. Today really wasn't so bad, I got up on time and got right down to packing, which I'm still doing now. But I think I can be done by tomorrow. Most of packing will be me moving things to the attic to my nephew can't get his hands on them. The last thing I need is all my stuff broken while I'm away, which if he gets in here, it will be. On the list of things going with me are my CDs, DVDs, of course this computer, and several other things.

I guess that I don’t need my parents to buy as much as they thought, I had a trash can that I got a while back, its like one of those wire waste baskets. I’m excited, I get to have an open desk, unlike my old roll top that I have here. And I’ll get to have high speed internet! That’s all a guy could hope for—well except a good education, a girlfriend that loves him and a metal spork, but all that’s besides the point.

So my IHOP plan fell through, probably because any plan that I had that involved leaving the area of the house. But I should be able to see my friend Thursday, I really want to get a picture with Aubrey and Julie. My dad says I shouldn’t hang pictures of girls in my room because it’ll make other girls think I’m taken, but I don’t care. They’re my friends and I don’t care what anyone else thinks.

One thing I did manage to do is start a live journal community with a friend of mine today, we plan on writing in it together, kind of like a joint journal. But the journal won’t hold our normal entries. That’s right folks, none of my angst ridden bitching, this journal is for characters from our stories to write entries in, keep in mind that these will be fictional characters.

Well I have to get on my first post for the joint journal, keep an eye on the friend’s page to see when it comes up.

And as Melanie would say, “This is going to be so fetch!”

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