Monday, August 30, 2004

For Me, This Is Heaven

Well crisis resolved people, I've avoided a potentially bad situation by default, what happened you ask? Well Casey, the girl that lives in the building just behind me, is not sure what she wants now. And since we're both very unsure and stuff, we decided to just stay friends for the present time. She is the kind of girl I could really hang out with and get to know better, like a friends kind of thing. I can never have too many friends the way I see it. And I've just added a new few to the list.

Well besides that what can I say about yesterday? I started the day out late, which is probably for the best since I had been up so late before that. I got out of the bed and did a little walking around, then I headed down to the campus center to grab some grub and see what was going on, one of my roommates joined me and we sat and talked forever. When we finally headed back to the dorm we took it kind of slow, he was on the phone and I was just thinking about so much. I was hoping that when we got back they might have fixed our power, but they hadn't so we just hung around here for a while, until Ben, one of my other roommates came in saying he wanted to go to the store and get posters.

We went with him and we went to North Star Mall, which is huge, and we tried to find Spencers, it was a miracle that we did find it, so we all got two posters, Ben got some girls, Brandon got Scareface and Jack Daniels, and I got Evanescence and Lindsay Lohan (yes I know, I'm obsessed with Lindsay Lohan). Right now I have like seven full sized posters in my room, two on the other side of my door. The seven in my room are Underworld, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Lindsay Lohan, Evanescence, Linkin Park, and Jesus Rocks. The two on the door are Spiderman and Blink-182.

I have alot of smaller things I printed out, cards and stuff like that on the wall, including a Blink-182 concert ticket and a goodby card from my friends. It can be easily seen that this room belongs to me!

But enough with that, I have to get on to the most frustrating part of the day. I come back last night from dinner, and we walk all the way in and get to the dorm, our doors have keycards, one for the main door and one for our room doors. Well the main door lock wouldn't open, so we were stuck outside, and none of the people at the front office (which is a good quarter mile uphill walk) knew how to get us in. It took three hours for them to get us in.

I did get a chance to go over and see some friends I made the other day, Deirdre and Jen, but after I got back all they could do for us is give us a metal key. Which sucks because we only have one to use and we have to share it between the four of us! Oh well its just funny how much crap goes wrong in our building and room, 8.106 has ALL the problems. But I guess its just part of growing up, the little hardships that make things more interesting. Remember the song quote, "Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up..." its so true, but who decides when we're really grown up? I for one hope its me, because if you keep growing, life is always just as fun!

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