Friday, August 13, 2004

Birthdays, Orientation and...the Flash-o-Meter

Well if anyone's been keeping up with this (yeah that's laughable) I haven't updated in some time now. Its just been a busy last few days, but if anyone wants to hear something really funny I've got just the story.

Alrightie then, just the other day was my friend Aubrey's 18th birthday, so we took her out to eat at Joe's Crab Shack (well we didn't really take her, she paid for herself and all) but anyway before we could leave to go there we were trying to decide on which car to take. I made the point that my dad's Rondezous could take six people. So I went to put the back seat up, which meant I had to open the back door. But when I opened it, the door wouldn't close after that. We tried everything, and eventually we ended up just using duct tape to hold it shut.

It actually worked but its pretty sad, I mean a brand new car with lines of duct tape going across the back. Ah, my life is a joke.

Just for a second I'd like to talk about something that's really, really wrong. There is a game coming out, called 'The Guy Game' its a console game thats rated M and features such thing as trivia.

The real catch to the game is that when you get a question right you get video of girls doing things nude. I think its a pretty sick idea, but it does some other stuff too, none of it useful. Like it has some kind of drinking game feature for one to four players.

The Guy Game is basically everything women hate about us men, and its the reason why I think men are for the most part dumbasses. Its really wrong how women become these sexual objects so eaisily now days. And whats really odd is that some women would devote time to a project like the guy game.

As if this game wasn't bad enough, there's also another game coming out called Singles, its a Sims rip off that has only one real point, to take two people of any sexual orientation you choose and make them sleep together, its a pretty dumb concept for a game, and while it may sell good, it'll never be considered a real gamer classic.

Well on to the thing I really enjoyed this week, College Orientation! I have to say that I really enjoyed it. More than I ever dreamed I could. I really only made a few new friends I can remember by name, and only one of them is in the same dormotory as me. Oddly enough I could see alot of things that reminded me of other people I had known throughout life, like this one girl I met, Ashley, she reminded me of a highschool friend of mine.

She's really pretty, almost to the point that I went on my highschool instincts and didn't talk to her, because in high school you have that certain clique to stick with and you almost feel like you have to do whats expected of you. But she was totally the opposite of what you expect to see in a high school, she was really nice and approchable. Not rude at all. Hell no one was rude. And while it got a little boring at times, I met this one dude, Adam, he and I are already talking about starting a video game club. And I want to start a Creative Writing one if there's not one already.

Well I better fly, I'm tired!

See You Cyber Cowboy
(Added my own touch to a classic)

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